Whacking my Yuma...should i do it??

target feed him a bit, when he's hungry he will be a bit sticky. Since you have a high flow tank you could take a tupperware or glad plastic container that is cheap and cut the bottom out of it. Place this around him when you want to feed to cut down on the flow in the area around him. Use a turkey baster, eyedropper or syringe and drop some food on top of him. Things I know they like you can try. Thawed krill cut into small pieces. ZoPlan brand dried Zooplankton. Formula One Marine Pellets from Ocean Nutrition in the small pellet size. let them soak a bit in a small container of tank water before dropping them on top. maybe five minutes. Thawed mysis shrimp. Feeding response varies. You can kick up some debris or blow some stuff out of your live rock and if he tries to catch it by funneling up you can probably feed him a snack or two.

If you really wanna cut it .. I'd suggest either cutting it in half .

or my preferred method.. takin a pair of snips .. and just cutting a chunk out ..usually doing it this way theres less chance of you killing it since you're not touching the mouth/guts .. i've done this a bunch of times... once the chunk heals up .. it usually grows a mouth after 2 weeks

then you can either let it attach on its own .. or glue it .. if you're going to glue it directly by the foot.. the shrrom will move on its own after a few days .. althought there wont be any damage to the shroom.. yur ganna have a spot of glue on yur lr .. so its up to you.
Sapseven.......i think i might like that idea.
Have you done this to yumas??

You are talking about just cutting a little notch out of it and hop eit takes, and whether it does or it doesnt, the important thing is that its a small injury to the mother that most likely wont even hardly phase it....... correct??

If so, and you have done this to yumas.......how much do you think i should cut off??
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so like this is what you are talking about?? forgive my editing skills...i have none...it took me 5 mintues to do this...lol i couldnt figure out how to do straight lines...so you get a circle.

but you get the idea

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11295199#post11295199 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Tallinu
Here are a couple of tricks you can try. You can if possible gently move or turn the rock so that it's positioned in such a way that he has to crawl slowly toward the light/orientation again. No severe positional change. You only want him to move a half inch at best over a couple of months. Hopefully he will leave some little bits behind and they will develop, albeit slowly in your tank it sounds like. You can also use a gentle current, a small powerhead specifically aimed his direction in an effort to make him move. You want the current somewhat low key so that he doesn't detach in an effort to get the heck out of there. So use a small powerhead from a distance to be a tiny bit annoying only. You can also use that very sharp razor blade you mention and make a nick all the way down to the bare rock on the outside edge of his foot. That is sometimes all it needs to get a little bud going. All of these tricks are not surefire. I've had florida's and yumas leave a trail of little bitty ones and sometimes they leave nothing. It might be worth trying something easy going with such a beauty.


I have seen this done with a Yuma before, it dropped a few babies while making it's way up the rock. So this can and does work. The tank I saw this done in was a NanoCube, low flow. Maybe you could go to the store and get a cheapy yuma and practice on that? I've contemplated doing the same thing but don't dare and mine is only worth $50 max. I may try the feeding thing and see if that works, or maybe just tilt the rock. I'm with everyone else who has said, DON'T SLICE AND DICE :)
My recommendation is to stay with the 'foot' idea.

When they drop babies, they leave a piece of their foot behind.

So if you're going to cut it, the logical, and closest thing to that would be to cut off a chunk of the foot. It's the same process.

If the foot is huge. You can't go wrong taking a 1/4" chunk off that.

I just did it in 3 spots a few days ago to a nice yuma I have, and the plasma spots are already cone shaping and showing the tiniest bit of color.

PS- Let me know when you want to trade :)
I have this kind. purple/pink/mint green top-center

*not my photo*
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11309700#post11309700 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by its fry
My recommendation is to stay with the 'foot' idea.

When they drop babies, they leave a piece of their foot behind.

So if you're going to cut it, the logical, and closest thing to that would be to cut off a chunk of the foot. It's the same process.

If the foot is huge. You can't go wrong taking a 1/4" chunk off that.

I just did it in 3 spots a few days ago to a nice yuma I have, and the plasma spots are already cone shaping and showing the tiniest bit of color.

PS- Let me know when you want to trade for a nice one.
I have this kind. purple/pink/mint green top-center

*not my photo*

sweet......firsthand experience........could you post any pics of the ones you cut and the mother currently by chance?? :)

did you stay away from the guts for the most part and just get some of the top and a sliver of the foot??

the foot on mind is probably 1.5" x a little over 1/2". its not rouondish by any means..its oblong
actually. no, and sorry that I can't help there.
My camera can't take that detailed of pics.
That's why I used this image. (not my own)

None of the top.

Just take 10% of the foot off by slicing down on it and separating the two parts so you can see the rock.
The mother will pull away and reattach it itself to the rock just like any shrooms and most softies.

The partial foot will be a little clear clump that will begin to get bumpy within the first 3 days. Then it will start to shape like a cone right after that (making a mouth).

This is the closest thing I've heard of to the way they naturally reproduce when they leave those little plasma piles behind.\

They separate a piece off themselves. You're just giving it a little push.;)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=11373672#post11373672 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by its fry
so... did you do it yet?

no. im in the middle of a massive project and moving stuff around in the tank too much.....here in a couple of weeks I am going to do it though.

I think the method I am going to follow is to actually cut the whole thing in half...but not all at once.

I heard an idea of taking a sterile scalpel and slicing it from the mouth out to the edge. thats it. let it heal. I was told that 50% of the time it will split on its own at that point.......if it doesnt, you just wait for it to heal and then cut the other half.

I really kind of liked how that all sounded.
Good luck I cut 3 in diffrent ways little luck! All of them where 3"same color with a purple disk! So now I was down 3 so I started cutting pea sized babies in half !!! It worked the only reason I have come up with smaller the better! You said that he has not grown much? Mine on the other hand have doubled in size in about 8 weeks! You might have beter luck every tank is diffrent!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!
This <a href="http://calebkruse.com/fragging.html">method</a> has never failed for me, and especially with such a big mushroom it should be great.
sorry i haven t replied in so long .. i wouldnt touch the foot.. thats the last place i would cut it ..

and yes flyguy thats exactly what i mean .. i have done this to my yuma several times .. without any problem .. u can also use scissors adn just snip a piece but i find that using that method doesnt heal the shroom symmetrically so a more circular piece just the way u drew would be best. goodluck