What 2 part doses are you using


New member
Just curious what people in the area are using for a 2 part dose. Pretty sure im at a stage to where im going to have to start monitoring ca-alk-mg. Havent tested my water peramaters since either of my tanks were set up. However im pretty sure all my corals will benefit by making sure i keep the big 3 parameters up to par. Thanks in advance, nathan
I started with seachem reef fusion and had amazing growth for almost half dose of esv bionic but cost was almost 3 times. I switched to esv bionic about 4 years ago. Great part is I order in bulk and it last me 4 months.
BRS two part. It is really 3 part but they call it 2 part. I guess because you dose Calc and Alk every day and the mag is only every month or so.. They have videos to show you how to dose it.
1 Vote here for Randy's 2 Part.
Recipe #1
I used to use B ionic in the past and had very good results with it as well.
As long as you are doing regular water changes, the minors should be up to snuff using a homemade 2 part though, and it is much more economical.

1 Vote here for Randy's 2 Part.
Recipe #1
I used to use B ionic in the past and had very good results with it as well.
As long as you are doing regular water changes, the minors should be up to snuff using a homemade 2 part though, and it is much more economical.

Ive seen some threads of people talking about randys 2 part. Though i have never read any of them. But i will look into it!
Ive seen some threads of people talking about randys 2 part. Though i have never read any of them. But i will look into it!


I use baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) as a source of sodium carbonate. Just bake it to drive off water and some CO2. I also buy my calcium chloride and Magnesium chloride off of amazon. Several sources on there. Never could get used to the idea of Peladow, or other ice removers (CaCl2) in my tank although I know that many do use it successfully.

Many different ways to skin this proverbial cat.