What are your motives here?


New member
WTMRAC members or perhaps future members looking for used equipment to use for themselves or their family is one thing ... but it seems to me that certain people in this club forum like to take advantage and use the club and/or its members to get good deals on stuff to turn a profit when they decide to "get out of the hobby" ( a.k.a have a garage sale ) every six months ... ReefCentral does not = EBAY ... these people know who they are :rolleyes:

also buying stuff for friends who are not family members and don't contribute to the club or our forum isn't cool either ... there is a reason why RC makes people be members for period of time before they can post 4 sale threads

just my two cents ... because I see so much of this going on lately

I have had this site as my #1 bookmark for years and I don't even bother to visit that often anymore since its turned into a barter post I skim over more than half the threads
I agree on this point. This is specifically a forum named after and for our local club. If you are going to do ANY selling, you should at least be a member of the club. I don't like non-members using our club forum to selling their stuff. Just join the club. But that is just my .02.
I partially agree, but if and when I do post for sale items I want the largest group possible looking at that. That way I have more opportunity to reach someone that wants that item. It has been stated at numerous club meetings that this forum is not to be used for club business. Yes, it is named after our club and many club members use it, but it is a Reef Central forum. I think it is a great way to reach out to the "reefing community," to help one another, find new members, sell items or whatever. Now, I do feel that there are some non-members who take advantage of the forum by posting for sale items here too often. Sorry for rambling.
"Maybe it is time for the club to have its own forum". quote from post here 2 years ago.

Reef Central has been kind enough to allow clubs to use this as a club forum, but abide by there rules. They have specific rules that apply and the fact that this is not owned by the club, we do not get to set our own rules, and I have always felt that doing club business of any kind should really not be done on here other than to direct people to the meetings and/or club web site etc.. They are not the only ones!!

Regretfully many people (specifically those that do not attend meetings, and are not active paid members of the club) are the ones that are quite often the most visible and or vocal on these type forums. I assure you our club is not the only one that has had these type issues/problems.

To all I would suggest that you attend the upcoming party and meeting that we are having "check the website at WTMRAC.com. " If you have something you would like to have added to the agenda, PM me or better yet send me an e-mail ducklabdad@yahoo.com and we will add you to the agenda. The meeting will be a good time and we have some great raffle prizes to give away, to active members that are there.

The biggest problem with forums such as this is "who is on the other side" of the post, and who are they speaking for.

We all have opinions, they are like ***holes and belly buttons, we all have them and they all "stink"

Things that are posted here are NOT ALL CLUB RELATED they do not speak for our club. If you want to know the facts "attend the meetings" find out, do not speculate.
This is a public forum, everyone has the right to post here, personal agenda or not. But who is to decide this. Certainly not I.

There is nothing to show who is a paid active member or not "do not jump to conclusions on who is, you might be surprised"

"This post is my "personal opinion" and is not the opinion of the members of the WTMRAC"

E-mail and sites like this "de-personalize" many things and are not a substitute for personal interaction, where feelings, emotions, etc.. are real!!!

I hope that people will bring there thoughts and opinions to the actual club!! And asRyan said very well above!! "Sorry for ramblin" Here is the RC thread on the club meeting and New Years Party


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Well put Bill.What would it take to have our own forum,to discuss club business and selling,and talking about things not reef related.
I have not yet officialy joined WTMRAC (I soon will be). But I thought this website might help some in checking on starting a private club forum.
Yahoo groups is another easy way to get forums for the club.
I think Google has something similar also.
I searched Yahoo for WTMRAC and there was already a group setup. It was setup two years ago, but it looks like no one ever used it. I don't like the way they work, though...very hard to follow.
I searched Yahoo for WTMRAC and there was already a group setup. It was setup two years ago, but it looks like no one ever used it. I don't like the way they work, though...very hard to follow.

Yeah that and since no one knows who started the group there is no way to moderate it...
Other than where the next meeting will be and a photo contest, I personally don't see any other club business being discussed in this forum anyway. At least someone using it to sell an item from time to time initiates a faint pulse on reef central's server harddrive. As a member of the club, I motion to continue using it exactly the way we have in the past.
I think more people should be asking 'what can I do for the club', instead of 'what can the club do for me'.
WTMRAC members or perhaps future members looking for used equipment to use for themselves or their family is one thing ... but it seems to me that certain people in this club forum like to take advantage and use the club and/or its members to get good deals on stuff to turn a profit when they decide to "get out of the hobby" ( a.k.a have a garage sale ) every six months ... ReefCentral does not = EBAY ... these people know who they are :rolleyes:

also buying stuff for friends who are not family members and don't contribute to the club or our forum isn't cool either ... there is a reason why RC makes people be members for period of time before they can post 4 sale threads

just my two cents ... because I see so much of this going on lately

I have had this site as my #1 bookmark for years and I don't even bother to visit that often anymore since its turned into a barter post I skim over more than half the threads
if the comments made are in direct or indirectly related to me, then i got this to say, first of all, anything i have ever sold was not making a profit( ask anybody that has bought anything from me-- i believe in giving people what they want cheap, as to say i won't ask for a hand and a leg if it's something i no longer need, as far as me leaving the hobby---yes i did contemplate leaving due to an injury, but there were certain people that encouraged me to stay, not only that, but they provided me with things to help me stay( and for that i am grateful) so whomever you are directing your comments to, i want to clarify myself, before the wrong things are taken out of context or before people speak w/o knowing what they are talking about
the true bottom line is everybody is different and have the right to post whatever they like w/o any motives needed---this is a forum with the opportunity to barter, learn or just browse---no one should be subject to wondering why they do what they do--last i checked this is a free country--- so i feel if you don't like what you see then dont look--i'm not saying this to be a smart a-----, but it just like censorship, people want to put a ban on everything or they don't want it around them, well guess what, no matter where you go, it's still gonna be there, just in another way
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trust me i'm not bashing cabin 3t, i'm just saying that they too---non members, do have the right or priviledge to post here, unless someone changes the rules for this forum where only paid members can access the site, then it's whoever. i personally think it's alright for non-members to post, cause sometimes thats where you get new members from, they see a group of good people with helpful ways and then they become members, i admit i have not renewed as of yet, but i will be by saturday, i was dealing with other things before i renewed, but i plan to stay with this club no matter who posts---just my 2 cents
Please let's not start fragmenting up the club forums into local A, local B, Reef Central, etc... I'd rather keep it all in one forum, even if it means having non club members post items for sale, etc., from time to time. If you don't recognize the person who posted a thread, then don't read it.