What controller?

If you are leaning toward Apex the Apex Jr isn't bad price wise considering all that it is capable of & a good controller to start with in my opinion. I paid $240 for mine brand new with the display. you can add a module to measure the ph & add energy bars as needed. I added a VDM module to control my kessil light. For me I wanted a controller & price was a major concern so starting with the Apex jr & buying add on modules & energy bars over time worked for me. I figure it has good resale value as well if I decide to buy the full apex i can get a decent amount of the original cost back on resale.
^^^I did the same, went with the Jr and expanded as needed.

This looks awesome if it works: reef builders dot com/2015/07/16/mindstream-aquarium-monitor-alive-coming/
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The specs as far as power posted are incorrect. Different outlets on the EB8 are rated differently. Some are meant to be turned off and on once a month and last a lifetime and others are able to be turned off and on more frequently without harm. Check out the reference manual in the link below and it explains it all very well. This manual should be kept next to your bed for a long time. Another copy downloaded to your phone and computer.
Depending on which outlet you are talking about, triac or relay the individual outlet amperages on the EB8 are 5, 8, 10 or 12 amps each but total of 15 for the circuit. Your home breaker is 15a. It can't be rated above that no matter what it can actually do. Anyone over powering the EB8 did not read the manual. Or they spilled water in it.

Don't forget the fact that you are a reef freak and with an Apex you can easily run multiple tanks off one controller. RK may do this but most you need an entire new system and ip address and log in and all that fun stuff.

Mr. Janes we can talk Trump at the Burger shack tomorrow night over a few drinks. :) We can high 5 and Amen brother all night. :)
Been contemplating this as well although I am an Apex owner. Something that seriously irritates me is the lack of wireless capability out of the box. I have had a Neptune controlling system since 2006, and i have yet to live in a place where I could plug my controller directly to my router, without running an Ethernet cable through my house. I have been lucky up until this point, as my brother is an IT guy and he has always lived close enough to set it up for me. Point being, I would go with whatever controller is wireless capable out of the box.
If you use a power line conditioner its just like being plugged directly in except you are not. Or a wireless bridge. No way would I judge a controller just on this.
Apex has been out a long time and is still more useful than most of the others. Imagine what the new one will be like. :)