Yes you are right, you need PL-LY for the floats.
The doser daisy chains off the power bar.
Here is the set up proceedure for this
Caution note first - ONLY EVER plug digital power bars into western socket S1S4 on back of ProfiLux
So to program the doser correctly -
First the doser needs to be told what socket number it will react to, so you need to program it.
Plug the doser western data cable into S1S4 and apply mains power also from a wall socket.
In the ProfiLux control software - Go to "Socket outlet function" found under extras.
Click on the tab that says "program digital power bar/dosing pump"
Select program dosing pump.
Follow onscreen prompts - You will want to start the pump numbering as 7, reason - beacuse the power bar is programmed to socket 1-6
Once completed, unplug doser from S1S4 and plug this cable into the second western socket on the digital power bar.
Now plug the data cable for the digital power bar into S1S4 and apply power
You are now fully programmed.
The doser does not need to be plugged into the digital power bar AC sockets for power, this must come from a wall socket.
If you are confused once you receive your unit, just let me know