What do you think about the disappearing of coral reef around the world?


I am not sure if this is the right place to post or not...

So like the question said...
What do you think about the disappearing of coral reef around the world?
What do you think is causing this? ( ie.. pollutions, global warming etc... )
Is there any soluton?
I don't have much in the way of solutions, but have a couple of ideas on the causes. I certainly think environmental changes are a big influence. I can't just say it's global warming (though I do think that's part), but more just removing specific species from an ecosystem will always have unintended consequences. Look at the crown of thorns star in Australia.

I do also know that one of the main issues in the VI is a combination of rising water temps and people walking on and picking at the reefs.
Over population of the human species has led to this. Question is how do we fix this issue? How do we control our population?
i dont know... that is a good question alton.. how do we?

I was just curious because after watching a episode on discovery it mention about the disappearing of coral reef.

So do you guys think agriculture will have anything to do with it?

I always wonder wouldn't the fertilization that we do on our farms will eventually reach the river and then it would go into the ocean?

I don't know what your input on that? Guys?
I always wonder wouldn't the fertilization that we do on our farms will eventually reach the river and then it would go into the ocean?

I don't know what your input on that? Guys? ....i think its already deep into our water ways and oceans
Humans are killing off the reefs. Overfishing is one reason. I read that waste is being dumped into the ocean, and something in human waste is killing off SPS.
I think we should stop taking from the ocean completely. People need to stop breaking off their own frags off of corals, and taking live rock for their tank, and even sand. Stop taking fish and inverts... I mean, obviously it IS making an impact. Ignorance is another thing.
We're way too intelligent to ignore this... It's time we get off our lazy butts and start breeding more fish and inverts. As for corals, there's Aquaculture and Mariculture. People are keeping tanks for the wrong reasons anymore... it's not about the fish anymore.
I think that's wrong, and that stupid show 'tanked' is a perfect example of what I'm talking about.
I don't keep fish tanks cause they add a nice touch to the living room; I keep them because I want to learn more about them, and their natural environment.
I could go on and on about this...
Thank you Steph for the input... I do think people do play a big role in the destruction of reef as-well... But i didn't know that human waste is killing off SPS... I will have to read more about that...
The reef isn't our only worry either. We are losing fresh water supplies, forests, and even land everyday due to pollution. Look at the Aral sea for example, It used to be the 4th largest lake on earth. In 20 years it is hardly anything. The impact is devistating to the region causing massive climate changes. It's irritating to know that the technology is there and its just money, low priority, and lack of interest by governments around the world that keep "green" from being implemented. There is something like close to or over a million jobs i heard recently that could be created just in america by implementing some of these green economic strategies. Everything has a breaking point and everything dies. So i guess the real question is, What is earth's breaking point. At what point will earth cease to support life? How close to that point is earth? Can we continue to waste supplies and pump fossil fuels into our atmosphere for 10....20....50 more years before it's a serious problem? I guess it's kinda like smoking....no offence to anyone....Everyone knows that for the most part smoking kills, there are a few people out there that it won't kill, but, for the most part it will kill you. People know this, there are commercials, ads in magazines, it's even printed on the packaging. But how many people read all that media and quit right on the spot. Many people will try to quit multiple times and fail, some the next day they quit smoking and never smoke again. Some slow down and get to the point where they just don't anymore. I just wish there was a patch we could use that would help allieviate the dependency on polluting the earth.
1. It is bad.
2. Natural and anthropogenic pressures such as non point source pollution.
3. Sadly not likely. Even if we continue to improve technology and make things more efficient and "friendly" based upon the number of people those pressures will increase regardless if you are talking about land, fresh water, or the marine environments.

America has 300+ million people yet China and India have closer to 2 billion. Each and every person requires resources to live. Even if each of those use a third of what Americans do then yeah snowball.

FYI I am not passing the buck and pointing fingers because I know per person I use many more resources than most do in those countries. My point is what happens when someone in China uses the same amount as I do?

How will things "improve"?

Also it is not possible to return to a perfect garden so to speak.
Over population of the human species has led to this. Question is how do we fix this issue? How do we control our population?

+ callousness + blamming economic woes on "enviormental regulations".... and although I totally agree; I see no way to "unhinge" this issue from a politcal discussion ....

we can discuss it from a "problem" vantage point, but to bring up "solutions" is entirely one of will, desire and political solutions

America has 300+ million people yet China and India have closer to 2 billion. Each and every person requires resources to live. Even if each of those use a third of what Americans do then yeah snowball.

Spot on, but its also a matter of what the people want... these two countries couldn't have a totally OPPOSITE policy towards thier enviorment ...all one need do is look at the state of Chinas big cats vs, India's (hint China's wildlife ends up either on the menu or in a pharmacy)
I really appreciate everyone opinion on this topic here... Look like i am going have to do a lot more homework on this as-well... Love to hear more from other people and what they think as well... :D
Not true. Cyanide poisoning and dynamiting occur, though most of those shipments don't come to America.

I think the coral will continue to disappear until things become critical, because as we all know, nothing really gets massive support until it's almost too late. Guarantee nuclear fusion and solar energy will have a whole lot more funding when gas is $12 a gallon.
Thank you Steph for the input... I do think people do play a big role in the destruction of reef as-well... But i didn't know that human waste is killing off SPS... I will have to read more about that...

It's true... I was in the Caribbean several years ago, I can still remember how all the bilge's on the boats emptied strait into the water (no holding tank). I can remember a port that was almost a bay, the water under the docks looked like sewage and it was... :thumbdown There simply isn't an infrastructure that can handle all the waste on the islands. Apparently there is a bacteria/virus? That has crossed over from humans to acropora? I dont remember the exact specifics but I'll do a search and see if I can't come up with a link.
Thanks Gill, Lots of information you have provided... Like Six Line already mention I dont think there will be alot of enforce support on the reef until it is nearly extinct. That is just horrible....
Not true. Cyanide poisoning and dynamiting occur, though most of those shipments don't come to America.

The dynamiting isn't done for the aquarium trade, that one is solely in the domain of food fishing. Cyanide on the other hand is used in both the aquarium and food fishing...it was first used in food fishing before trickling into the aquarium trade. Also a large number of Phillipine/Indo cyanide caught aquarium fish do come to the US, as well as the rest of the world. It's getting somewhat better, but still a substantial problem.
I think that the disappearance of coral reefs is horrible, like others have said therewill likely be nothing done until its almost too late. I'm also sure that our hobby will suffer greatly when someting is finally done unless captive breeding efforts are aggressively continued.
Getting a little off topic here but that picture of your sucker fish make me laugh everytime i look at it...

but I too believe in that as-well about breeding efforts...