What Going On in Your System Today?


2003 TOTM Recipient
Premium Member
This is a thread which everyone can contribute to any time or day you're here. You don't need a camera, just share something.

So, what's going on in your tank today? Did you buy some new hardware, livestock, additives, gadgets, lights etc? Did you aquascape today, if so, how did it go? Are you cycling or preping for a WC, whatever, share it. Did your hubby drill you for spending the bill money? Did the wife like your new additions? Did your kid squirt dish detergent in your tank? OOPs, bad example, but you get my drift. Anything, tell us about it.

Mucho Reef
I'm sitting in a hotel room in Michigan doing laundry because I have a semi-temporary/semi-permanent position here for work and moved my tank back to my parents house while I am gone. My last 3-4 weeks have been spent trying to figure out how I am going improve my system going forward. Considering turning my 60 cube (sitting empty) into a jawfish and zoanthid tank and tie it into my 75 and make that mainly lps with some sps....

So... sorry for not really having an update but a man can dream can't they?

subscribed to this thread bc I miss the good ole zoanthid forum
It's still a great forum and it will continue to improve. That's why we need you here. Good luck on the new job and it's certainly ok and beneficial to dream.

Vincent Van Gough once said, "I dream my paintings......then I paint my dreams"

You'll have that tank back up and running sooner than you think. Just hold on to those dreams.

Regarding this thread, I'm picking up an Algae Blenny tomorrow to keep things clean on the reef.

Mucho Reef
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Friday checking in at 16:48 nothing to report other than i moved my Fungia in the center of the tank where she can stretch her legs some more...

I recently changed to LED's on my Red Sea Max ( soon to go on a 75g). I made the mistake of not slowly acclimating to the new lights and some things got a bit bleached at first but are really taking off now especially SPS. Most of my zoas are down low and weren't affected, but a colony of AOG that was high faded but has multiplied in polyps faster than it ever has.
It's still a great forum and it will continue to improve. That's why we need you here. Good luck on the new job and it's certainly ok and beneficial to dream.

Vincent Van Gough once said, "I dream my paintings......then I paint my dreams"

You'll have that tank back up and running sooner than you think. Just hold on to those dreams.

Regarding this thread, I'm picking up an Algae Blenny tomorrow to keep things clean on the reef.

Mucho Reef

I've been popping in and out a lot more recently. Work got real busy about a year ago and reefing took the back burner. As soon as I get this promotion taken care of, I plan to come back to reefing and get my tank back to where it should be.

I already picked up some new to me tunze 6025s that are running in the 55 and plan on upgrading my lighting and skimmer at some in the near (warning: term is being used loosely) future.

I recently changed to LED's on my Red Sea Max ( soon to go on a 75g). I made the mistake of not slowly acclimating to the new lights and some things got a bit bleached at first but are really taking off now especially SPS. Most of my zoas are down low and weren't affected, but a colony of AOG that was high faded but has multiplied in polyps faster than it ever has.

hmmm... i recall a debate about zoas and light needs being a pretty controversial topic... you should start a thread about your observations... maybe zoos could benefit from higher lights... (that one's for you mucho:thumbsup::beer:)
This is an exciting week for my tank. I hooked up an ATO I got 2 months ago. I kept putting it off for no reason other than laziness. I also made my first mix of kalkwasser and am using it in the ATO. It riased my KH to about 10. It's so hard to tell when it gets visibly much lighter at 9 but not yellow until 10. I also scored 9 multi colored rics and a sweet yuma. When I get home from work tonight I'll get them attached to plugs and start placing them around the tank. This weekend if time permits, I'm making a frag rack for all the zoas I've got on plus in the sand. THey're taking up room and make it look unkept. Whew, hectic.
This is an exciting week for my tank. I hooked up an ATO I got 2 months ago. I kept putting it off for no reason other than laziness. I also made my first mix of kalkwasser and am using it in the ATO. It riased my KH to about 10. It's so hard to tell when it gets visibly much lighter at 9 but not yellow until 10. I also scored 9 multi colored rics and a sweet yuma. When I get home from work tonight I'll get them attached to plugs and start placing them around the tank. This weekend if time permits, I'm making a frag rack for all the zoas I've got on plus in the sand. THey're taking up room and make it look unkept. Whew, hectic.

Wow, you're gonna be pretty busy this weekend. Good for you and thanks for sharing that.

Just fragged a colony of Ked's Reds that was melting for some reason. Trying to save the last few clusters of zoas on what used to be a colony of 150+.:mad2:
Just got back from a bit of shopping, did not buy any zoa's this time, but eyed some for my next trip, murrays aqua tech had some AWESOME huge colonies, healthy and gorgeous.

I did end up getting a teal and purple acan, my son got some lime green acans, maybe 6 mouths and hubby got pulsing xenia and favia on the same rock.

then stopped and picked up a gorgeous picasso clown, love him. 3 hr drive, busy day, but well worth it.
Today I stopped in the LFS to trade in my 'Semi-Snowflake" Clowns for some gorgous True Percs. They looked nicer! :lol:
Lets see, today, well wondering where my Black Hole Sun morph went to, was there and now the plug has moved, I really hope my frag rack comes in next week. Thinking about changing my sump, should be easy enough, weekend project, also thinking about finally connecting the RK that I bought last week and playing around with that.

Can hardly wait for tomorrow to hit the LFS and see what came in. I am not sure though how many times I can bring things home that only have a $20 price tag, I think the wife is getting wise. She has now learned to come home, walk directly to the tank and survey the landscape for changes. Hard to hide 200+ heads of bright green Zoa's that arrived last week.

Want to frag my Campfires, started with 3 now have over 21 and would like to break them up, want to know why they grow like weeds and yet the Alien Eyes that I really like have only added 1 head in the same amount of time.
This morning, I made some RO/DI so I can top-off the tanks at home after work tonight.

The real fun came at work today, however, where I spent some time killing off an outbreak of aiptasia in my office tank with a syringe full of kalk paste. They will not threaten my zoas / palys here at work, even if none of them have fancy names.

Also, I'm very happy to report that the sailfin tang that was temporarily moved to my office tank to work on a Caulerpa infestation within the display has earned his keep. It's done an excellent job erradicating the Caulerpa, as there's no visible runners / fronds anywhere. It was only 2 or 3 weeks ago that nearly half of the tank had become consumed by the macroalgae, despite my efforts to manually remove as much of it as I could when time permitted. I'm still finding a few runners / roots as I move some of the rocks around, but I'm picking those out as I find them. Soon enough, the sailfin will return to more open waters.

For now, the zoas / palys are safe once again. LOL
just got a reactor and added some warner marine biopellets.we will see what they do

What type of reactor did you buy?

Why the debate Charles?

goldenseal, how are the corals after the trip back home?

TeebD, why do you think they melted?
I have no idea, it's 1 of about 15 colonies in my tank and all the others are doing fine. There was some sponge on there that I thought started causing the decay, but it was removed and the rest of the colony continued to decline. Sadly I'm down to about 25 polyps of what used to be a 4" x 4" colony.
just hooked up a gravity feed ato system as a temp while im on vacation and :furious: about some brown algae patches that decided to show up and my green monti cap not look good....