What Going On in Your System Today?

I started an all zoa/paly tank a few months back. I've been battling zoa pox the entire time. I tried furan-2 with little results. Doing regular water changes and letting it run its course has worked better for me.

Last night I tore down the entire tank and dipped everything in Revive. I thought I saw some small nudis. I could be mistaken but I got tired of sitting around watching my zoas closing up/dying. My plan is to dip again in a few days to take care of any hatched nudi eggs. We shall see... thanks for listening.
Hey DJ, have a great vacation and be sure to check all your fitting, connections and your line to make sure there secure. There have been many horror stories of additions and modifications made just before a vacation only to return and find big surprises. I'm sure you covered your bases though. Just an FYI. Bon Voyage !!!

my2girls, YIKES on the Pox. Good luck with the dipping my friend.

I just replaced 2 bulb connectors in one of my HQI's and replaced my 250 watt HQI Phoenix bulbs. Just fired everything up and all is well. I did raise the lights an extra 18 inches to prevent any negative reactions on my corals. Everything expanded within minutes and all is well.

Mucho Reef
Today I drilled a series of 2 1/2 inch holes along my center brace for increased light penetration.

Mucho Reef
Made some Bird netting tops cause im sick of fish jumping out.
Added some HGH to all my Zoa colonies.JK
I've been pulling more sand out of my tank, hopefully going to get another 2-300 pounds out today then I'm going to rig up a powerhead on a stick and blast all the rocks to get rid of the sand dust covering everything
nothing goin on in my tank..but i did get a new tattoo today..its the start to a whole calf piece which will wrap all the way around my leg up to my knee..i will have every coral from my tank(mostly zoas/palys :)), all of my fish, and even my moai head on my leg...

here is the start:


Got the A/C fixed this morning. My upstairs unit (where my 5 week old tank is) went out yesterday afternoon. Temp peaked at 84.7F in the tank :-(

Checked out the "in-mates" to see how everyone fared. So far, so good; my watermelon zoo colony is partially closed up and looking generally PO'ed. Strings of brown hair algae showing up on sand (not huge amounts, but generally disconcerting). Nitrates tested at 10 ppm, phosphates = 0, pH=8.4 (yikes!), alk = 7.5. Performed 20% water change and tucked in the critters for the night.
Just cleaned out my filter and skimmer, about to do a water change. Gonna relocate my two vortech pumps. My hornets have doubled from 1 to 2 polyps, woohoo! Got red, blue and purple. Got some slime on the sand, not cool.

Otherwise looking pretty good.
just peeled off my last RBTA baby from the overflow and sold it. since i am haveing luck with zoas lately i am really missing my sunbursts, they had a red skirt and a yellow sploch on a black face. I have not been able to find them again
I stopped doing a water change every week on my tank, it has been three weeks since the last water change and going on 4 weeks and my Zoas have never looked better. One of my zoa frags has a baby popping out already.
What a cool thread :)

Started dosing vitamin C 3 weeks ago, cyano everywhere, feel like stopping it.
Bought a 500ml NP Bio-Pellets and waiting for it to arrive
Mixed up 20G for a water change and need to do it tomorrow.
Im leaving in a week for some diving in Bali and Jakarta. Cannot wait to visit my friends there who are coral collectors / exporters and maybe bring back a "cherry coral or 2 or 3... :)
Last weekend I redid the rockwork and took out like 30 lbs of rock. Totally opened it up and now I"m getting much bigger waves from the wave box and everything is looking much better. Kinda fell back in love. JOY!!!!