what should i put in it??

oaky well i cant get info on other forums, so you guys seem pretty cool. I have an amricale pro line 2000 sump filter, and i took out the wet dry int he middle, plugged upu the bottom opening, and let the water go up over the top of the section. I am playnning on turning that area into a refugium. I will put 4 or so inches of live sand, some live rock rubble, and then macro aglea on top of it. I thought of mangroves, but i don't havet he room. I have looked around and i want some Cheatamorpha (sp., but i htink you will get what it am talking about) i havne't been able to find any information on this or a pic. of it, but i do know hwere i can get it. Also, what kind of lighitng would i want, the water will be 10 inches up the filter, in ia 12x11 sized area??

I think a single 18w PC would work well for the space you describe. That is what I have on mine.

I have a shot of my fuge with some chaeto, bu no close up shot. I will see if I can get a good close up for you.