What to do while you cycle...

The sooner you get a clean up crew the sooner your tank will be cycled for the real important residents of your tank, anything that eats pees and poops will help cycle your tank, snails are pretty resilient anyways they will be okay as long as you have live rock.
Hello, yet another noobie with a question regarding quarantining fish ... be gentle :)

Firstly, thanks Sk8r for an excellent thread.

I have an Elos 120 which I will start putting together over the weekend.
I am considering either five Spotted Cardinalfish or Blue Reef Chromis as my "brat pack".
When the time comes, assuming I can acquire five at the same time should these be quarantined together?
Will the size of the quarantine tank if it is small cause the fish distress?
Could you recommend a filter to use for a QT? I am not quite sure what a floss type filter is, so a linl or name of filter would be helpful for me. Thanks for all the great info.
Could you recommend a filter to use for a QT? I am not quite sure what a floss type filter is, so a linl or name of filter would be helpful for me. Thanks for all the great info.

Any of the HOB filters on the market will work. Media is just media as long as it's submerged. (rubble, bioballs, sponges, ceramic, etc)
Waiting is the hardest part of this hobby. Waiting for cycles, waiting for new equipment, waiting for new corals, waiting to get 50 posts....
From what I've read, if you have 50 posts, you are able to see the buy/sell/trade forum. I know a lot of people seem to be really concerned about that. I really don't care either way. It's probably best that I don't see it. :) I just enjoy reading and learning from everyone.
Very informational thread.. my first reef tank is currently cycling and I had no idea about over acclimation.. I will def set up a little ten gal for a qt.
not necessarily. you can set them up 'on the fly' without cylcing them. some people use a sponge filter that's been kept in their sump.

What is the logic behind this?

Except for fudging a little like feeding a little more and then a little less later, there is not rigor in certainty of having enough bacetria for QT.

Only occasionally would this method works.

The medium in QT generally has to be cycled, often has to be cycled very well.