Where to source?

I don't know where everyone's finding these Rhizos...I haven't seen them sold in years. I'm seeing lots of other dendros and balanos in people's threads that I'd love to find, but I never see them for sale.
There was/is a rhizo at a store in my state I saw advertised recently but can't justify the price, don't really have room for it anyways but that's the first I've seen available in several years.

Aqua sd, cherry corals and the like probably have dendros often, sometimes see places selling balanos as "pink dendros" too. I can't hardly give them away where I live, a real lack of reefers in general and even less interested in nps.
$60 per polyp! Crazy, wish there was a market for them here.

Actually good price, in my area they were going for $90 a polyp. I found a few heads in one of my LFS that were almost completely starved out, got them at $25 a piece, took few months to get them to health, but I have 7 heads now :)
I gave away the suckers like candy for club swaps but no one wants the hassle here so don't unless asked to. Traded one colony away to a friend with an nps tank to save space.
Picked up a Rhizo and Balano. Does anyone know where to find a Pink Branching Dendro or Wire/Spiral Coral these days?