Which Weld on # to use?


New member
I did alot of research in the site but it doesn't really tell me the answer I was looking for.

For a beginner DIY project:

1. Which Weld on# would you recommend for joining acrylic? Weld on #4 or Weld on #16?

2. Can I use the same Weld on # to join an acrylic with another pvc? If not, which glue should I use?

Thanks again...
I used #4 for put all togheter and when all is glued together, I use #16 for completed the bond( I use the #16 like the silicon in cristal)>
I used 3 and 16 to make a couple of overflows. They both seem to hold about the same. Number 3 was a lot cleaner and made nicer looking joints. I also used the #16 to go around and seal as did albert2k, although i'm told that this really does not help anymore than the original bond.
16 works ok for bonding pvc and acrylic but for the best results use weldon 40. its an epoxy not a solvent cement. weldon 16 is just weldon 4 with acrylic chips mixed in to thicken it up. it will bond to pvc but not as good as you would think. for general assembly of acrylics i would use 4. and for areas that need reinforcement i would use 40. you can apply 40 over the top of 4 as long as you let the seam dry for at least 24 hrs. and dont apply it to both sides of the seam. it wont let the seam cure being completly sealed in like that. but if your planning on building something that has to hold pressure i would glue the entire thing together with weldon 40. its 1 1/2 times stronger than solvent cements. and its crystal clear just like weldon 4 is.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6508227#post6508227 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by spazz
16 works ok for bonding pvc and acrylic but for the best results use weldon 40. its an epoxy not a solvent cement. weldon 16 is just weldon 4 with acrylic chips mixed in to thicken it up. it will bond to pvc but not as good as you would think. for general assembly of acrylics i would use 4. and for areas that need reinforcement i would use 40. you can apply 40 over the top of 4 as long as you let the seam dry for at least 24 hrs. and dont apply it to both sides of the seam. it wont let the seam cure being completly sealed in like that. but if your planning on building something that has to hold pressure i would glue the entire thing together with weldon 40. its 1 1/2 times stronger than solvent cements. and its crystal clear just like weldon 4 is.

So you're saying that I can get away by just using #40 for everything?
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6508344#post6508344 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by jun_celis
So you're saying that I can get away by just using #40 for everything?
yes 40 will take care of all your need. and will leave you with stronger seams in the end.
weld on #40 is much more expensive than #4. Use #4 for your seams and add a fillet of #40 after it cures. Definately use #40 for acrylic to pvc.