who has tangs? and who is satisfied with them?

The Reefer91

New member
i'm just curious about what people think about them. i want to have 3 when my 180g when it's up(1 hippo tang, 1 yellow tang, 1 kole or whitecheek tang).

is it worth it? or should i have 1 magnificent tang like a Achilles tang, or a chevron?

i really love tangs, but i'm not sure it will work in my tank with the rest of the bioload planned(alot of small fish)
I have a 6 inch yellow tang(little agressive), 7 inch PBT (him and yellow fight once in a while no probs thou) and a juve blue tang i guess they all get along but really cool. The only thing is I get tired adding nori for them but its kool to watch them eat.
I have a Convict Tang which has a great personality and "buddies" with the new additions until they become accustomed to the tank. He swims around my hand whenever it is in the tank. When I pick up a rock to clean or vacuum, he will help me clean by picking at it while i'm holding it. Convict tangs are supposed to be the most passive of the tangs, he is definetly a good addition.
I LOVE tangs. I have a Naso and A Yellow. The Naso by far is my favorite. He eats from my had and lets me pet him. Just a cool fish overall.
Hippos will nip at open brains and polyps. My 2cents? DO NOT GET ONE! As for other Tangs, They seem to pretty much leave all coral alone. I have seen a Chevron, Clown, and Sohol nip at one type of finger leather. The naso is the most docile and will tolerate anything, Clowns are VERY aggressive, as well as the Sohol. Yellow tangs and Scopas have a low tolerance for other tangs, as do purples, they can get aggressive quick if they are the largest one. There are 4-5 body shapes, only get one per body shape, and if you do have 2 of the same kind make sure one is LG and one is SM.(except hippos they seem to like eachother) Get LG docile tangs and SM aggressive tangs
I like to have a few diff Tangs, or I like to keep it all docile fish like anthias. The Tangs do help keep any macro algea from getting a foothold.
I have a sailfin which is a real character. He also eats from my hand and is a total gentleman with his tank mates. Interesting feature of this type of tang is the color changes. At night he is dark brown all over. When content (as at feed times) he is gorgeous gold and brown stripes with blue squiggles and white dots on his face - rather like an aboriginal bark painting. And if he is being hassled he is almost black and white stripes. I have a yellow tang which is a great color, but not much personality.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6949027#post6949027 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by mr_o98
Convict tangs are supposed to be the most passive of the tangs, he is definetly a good addition.

I just saw this, I guess the Naso is "One of" the most docile. I never had a Convict, I did always want one, now I want one for sure. Someone told me they were like the Clown Tang.HOT:mad2:
Naso's have great personalities and are a great looking fish to boot.

Their only downside is that they get large and you will need a large tank to accommodate them.
I have a Naso in the display and a Powder Brown in QT. I like them as they swim a lot; always movinga round. Makes the tank seem more alive.
I have 3 yellow 1 purple,1 kole,and 1 clown in my 150.somtimes the purple fights with the yellows but its mostly when I stand in front of the tank.They think its feeding time.Tangs are pigs when it comes to food.My kole tang is about 2 inches.It is the bastard fish.It has killed many a fish.I have had other kole tangs in the past that didn't bother other fish.This guy is small and if he picks on a fish and the fish doesn't stand up to him he will pick at him non stop.The kole is the smallest of my tangs.He hasn't growth that much in almost 2 years that I have him.He is pretty small.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6949188#post6949188 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 21Reefman
Hippos will nip at open brains and polyps.

Wow, that's the first time I have ever heard that of a Hippo. :eek: Mine have never toached a coral. Actually I would highly recommend them. Mine always swims up to the glass, very personable, and very friendly with the other fish. :)
Tangs are my favorite fish. I have four in my 230g. Be species specific in mixing tangs and always add the most aggressive last.

I have a Zebrasoma, (yellow) an Acanthurus, (powder blue) Ctenochaetus, (chevron) Naso lituratus (your basic nas-hole)
My buddy has a 400gal reef and he has 2 blue hippos that pick on every open brain he has. They have killed over $500 worth of plate/fungia and brains. They are too smart for the trap, he has made a hand spear gun and is going with that as the last resort.
They are cool fish and yes one of the most personable, very smart. They also are one of the few Tangs that need Meaty foods in their diet, not a strict herbivore like most others.

Unfortunately they were my fish to begin with and now they are tearing up his tank when they never touched anything while I had them.