who is afraid of their maroon clownfish?


New member
My maroon bit me for the first time today while I was rearranging some corals. It tried to bite me a few more times afterward. Now I am afraid to put my hand near its anemones. Any coral I put near her home, she managed to knock it off. It bothers me that I cant even arrange my own tank anymore. Anyone has any similar horrific experience to share?
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I had an 11 year old at least, big, nasty female maroon. I couldn't go anywhere near her rose anemone and I would definitely say I was scared of her.
I had a melanopus pair that would attack viciously the moment you put your hand in the tank. And they knew precisely where to bite to inflict the maximum pain: the soft skin between the knuckles and fingers.

An ocellaris pair I had was similar in its aggression. I guess they thought I "stole" their eggs a few time too often. But they were rather clumsy in their attacks and it was easy to catch them with the hand when they attacked. After I had caught them that way a few time they developed a bit more respect...

All my other breeding anemonefish pairs, past and present (percula, clarkii, bicinctus, epigrammata) were similar but less vicious than those melanopus.
I had a pair of clarkiis I rehomed after several months of being bitten every time I had to do anything in the tank.
I would not blame the fish - they just do what they are supposed to do: defend their anemone against predators and their territory against intruders.

But anemonefish are harmless... try the same with a triggerfish and you may lose a finger.
I would not blame the fish - they just do what they are supposed to do: defend their anemone against predators and their territory against intruders.

But anemonefish are harmless... try the same with a triggerfish and you may lose a finger.
I have 8 feet long tank. My would swam 4-5 feet away from her anemone to bite you. Why lol