Who wants a cheap, simple, Arduino-based LED controller?

Almost built...

Somehow I ended up with a 3-pair header for the PWM output instead of a 4-pair.

Gotta check Fry's tomorrow for that one.

And I need my order from Modern Device to arrive with my breakaway headers for the LCD and USB-BUB.

Also, is a 12mm 47mAh coin cell battery what I'm looking for?

'bout time to start building the drivers.
I am just starting to figure out the Typhoon (too many other projects). I just looked at the schematic and I have a question. It appears that the PWM are done by pulling the outputs low. This implies that the driver must have a pullup resistor of some sort.

I thought this board would directly drive a CAT4101, but they don't have a pull up. I see 2 ways to pssibly fix this:
1) Add a pull up resistor. If this is the best option what would be a good size 10K?
2) Go directly from the Arduino to the output pin (jump resistor to transistor). This is probably neater looking, but how many CAT4101s can one Arduino PWM drive.


Oh look at that. A hole other jumper with just the arduino pins. If I could only learn to read. Still asking how many can I drive? thanks again
Today I received my USB FTDI TTL-232 cable. Copied the sketch from the google code but when compiling I get an error with this:
Oh look at that. A hole other jumper with just the arduino pins. If I could only learn to read. Still asking how many can I drive? thanks again

Nothing required to control the CAT drivers (or the NCP drivers for that matter) from the DIY driver thread except hooking up wires to the 5v pinout on the side of the Typhon. You get 4 channels of control - there are 8 pairs of pins on the output header because 4 of them are 10v and four are 5v. You should only ever use one pair or the other.

Are buck pucks compatible cause that's whagt my leds are run by or do I need to replace them

Compatible but will need tweaking to the settings or software, since they expect an inverted output (HIGH from the Typhon means "off" to a buckpuck). If you don't want to rewrite the code you could just fake it by switching your on-off times.

Do you have a copy of button.h in your lib folder for the arduino?

As stated, you need that library. And the EEPROM library. Check out the comments in the top of the sketch - there are URLs to get those two libraries.

Is this the right chip???
And I can't find the DS1307 in stock anywhere is there some thing else to use any advice

That SHOULD work. 99% of us are using the older "original" bootloader or one of it's derivatives, not the new UNO version, but in theory they are totally compatible. If you wanted to be 100% sure you could just buy an original version, most vendors still stock them. But the new version actually has some nice features (it is smaller and faster).

It is worth noting that the 328 is in extremely short supply around the world right now, so you might have to check around to find a vendor that has bootloaded chips in stock.

Regarding the DS1307 - you MUST use an 8-pin PDIP DS1307. Maxim makes 4 versions though (DS1307, DS1307+, DS1307N, DS1307N+) and any of them will work - you don't need the EXACT part number in the BOM by any means. The differences between these four versions have to do with temperature ranges (not an issue for us) and RoHS certification (again, not an issue).

If you really truly cannot find one in stock, Maxim will send a sample if you register and request one on their website, but I feel that us hobbyists should be careful of abusing that.
Arduino makes use of "libraries" of code - this allows a developer to bundle a bunch of common code into a package and use it repeatedly in various programs. The Arduino software comes, out of the box, with a ton of really common libraries - the sketch is actually referencing a few of them. The environment also provides tools for people to develop and share additional libraries. When you want to use a sketch that references such a third-party library, you need to get that library and install it on your environment.

There's a page in the Arduino reference website that explains libraries and how to install them:

Thanks! all solved thanks to mm.reefs I didn't installed the libraries and also my libraries folder was not in the right place (seems to be a problem with macs) had to create a new folder in the Documents-> Arduino -> Libraies

updating Typhon with latest firmware in a couple of secs :D