Maybe you were thinking of the Hydra, which includes the Ethernet interface? The project I'm talking about in this thread has no Ethernet capability. It's meant to be an all-in-one barebones controller for a few banks of LEDs. At any rate, the Ethernet interface I put on the Hydra is more or less a blatant ripoff of any of the open source Arduino-targeted Ethernet interfaces based on the ENC chip. This page has a schematic:
Since the design is more or less final at this point, a quick review of included functionality:
-Socket for AVR, i.e. the ATMega328 used in the current Duemilanove, but you could probably do fine with a 168 or even an 8.
-Header for programming with an FTDI breakout board. This is the one hitch I haven't really solved. People will need to get their hands on an FTDI USB interface. You can buy them for $10 - $20 and IMHO everyone should have one anyways.
-Header for an LCD. I designed the board to bolt to the back of a 2x16 LCD such that the header and standoffs all line up, and the buttons stick out from the bottom edge of the LCD. But you could use just about any standard LCD.
-Header for 4 LED control channels, at either 10v (for meanwells) or 5v (for buckpucks, DIY drivers, etc.)
-I2C header in case you want SOME expansion
-Onboard RTC for timekeeping
-Onboard 10v and 5v voltage regulators
-4 buttons (labeled menu, select, +, -) to provide a UI for adjusting on/off times, setting the RTC, dimming, etc.
Basically, I did this design because of the constant stream of people asking about running ELNs or other drivers from an Arduino. If you want to do it from a standard Arduino and have a typical level of functionality, you need to buy an Arduino, RTC, some sort of voltage conversion circuit, an LCD, buttons, etc. and then get them all working together. The only real difference with this approach is that the PCB is laid out to include all that by default, so there's no mucking about. It's a little more of a black box - just build it, upload software, and plug the drivers in. Maybe not a worthwhile difference for people who like to muck about, but after explaining the wiring of an RTC, or voltage conversion, the umpteenth time in PMs or email, I thought this might be a nice option for some people.
I'll definitely want some people as beta testers once this batch of boards arrives, I'll let you guys know.