Whqt fish are intolerant of hyposalinity ?


In Memoriam
Im going to hypo my two msin display tanks since my test using my 5.5g and my yellow tang has worked.. its been 6 days and thr ich which was one riddled snd nesrky killed him is gone snd eats like a pig and look 10x better.

So thr fish i have between the tanks are.

Flame hawk
Kole tang
Green chromis
Azure damsel
Talbot damsels
Scooter blenny
Blue devil damsel

I have emersld cravs and snails and corals.. but ims put all my corals and snails and crabs in a 20 long i just bought. Ima keep the coral in qt for 72 days at least. And thr main tanks do hypo im sure ill have an ammonia spike for a dsy or do but ill massive water changes if i hsbe too until stabilizes.

So can my fish handle hypo ? Im not sure but i read flame hawks cant..? Maybe im wrong
I typed too fast on my phone thats the problem.

And funny is in english your brain can grasp it.. In fact they have a book written in typos to proof a person can read a book normally with them.

All science. So nice try trying to take a dig at me. I can read it just fine and i know you can too. This new S9+ the keyboard is way off on buttons for some reason so it does major typos i hate it.. my s7 never had that issue.

Id edit it and fix it but i cant now

What im asking is, what fish are hypo sensitive.. Does your tiny brain grasp that ?
I typed too fast on my phone thats the problem.

And funny is in english your brain can grasp it.. In fact they have a book written in typos to proof a person can read a book normally with them.

All science. So nice try trying to take a dig at me. I can read it just fine and i know you can too. This new S9+ the keyboard is way off on buttons for some reason so it does major typos i hate it.. my s7 never had that issue.

Id edit it and fix it but i cant now

What im asking is, what fish are hypo sensitive.. Does your tiny brain grasp that ?

Well I don't think you are going to get much help with responses like this :/

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Doesnt matter...I dont just take attacks kindly.. so whatever. You know he could hsve answered the question and despite my phone giving out typos it can be understood. Instead he played the typical internet dirt bag and attacked my typos.

I just dont get the mentality of the persons that do that... ive never once in my 25 years online attacked typos.

Its not me its this damn keyboard its terrible.. the touch screen on the s9+ has known flaws and it drives me insaine