Will a new APEX have a long useful life?


Active member
I'm thinking of a Apex controller. I know it came out mid 2019 (?) . I'm nervous if I put down the $730 after sale price (plus whatever addons like pump cotroller) that it will up obsolete in a few years. But would that really happen? B/c I'm trying to think how the ability to monitor and control things would diminish over time, say within 10 years. Maybe 10 years is a long time. But if I can get 10 years use I think I'd be satisfied. 7 years maybe 5 or less not so much.
Any input on this appreciated!

BTW i'm thinking of this b/c my pinopoint Ca reactor controller is acting up. WIll have to replace. And I "know" an apex can control it via conrtolling the pH via the CO2 solenoid.
*Does anyone know if it measures pH down to 0.01 or just to 0.1?

CT, I would opt for a used small unit a few years old.
WHY/, well they are expandable & as long as you don't want or need phone notifications or auto water changes. I believe they are more stable.
As far as the CA reactor you really don't need a PH probe, I have never had one.
Measurements are in 100ths, 0.01.
I'm thinking of a Apex controller. I know it came out mid 2019 (?) . I'm nervous if I put down the $730 after sale price (plus whatever addons like pump cotroller) that it will up obsolete in a few years. ...

It all depends on what you define as obsolete, I suppose. I'm still running the previous generation Apex - bought it in July 2010. Still runs fine, can do everything I need it to, and works with Fusion. I think the odds of having a long useful life are pretty good based on my experience.
I just got one around Thanksgiving. i have never been so intune with my water and system. In fact i loved it so much i when and got the Trident for myself for Christmas. lol. i have since programmed fans to kick on with high temp, flow meters to monitor uv and carbon, fuge lights to come on at night to balance PH spikes. it is endless what can be done well worth the $$.
Vinny, Thanks for that. Though I was going to get a new pinpoint CO2 controller if not amn apex. Ipersonally have better alk stabilith with a controller. I"m sure theres ways to do it without the probe. But also if I go away for a while I'll need something to keep it on track. Ideally i'll have autowater changes as well esp after I move (soon?). I just wouldnt want to get electronics used (that's just me). What you said all makes sense though!

Kurt: obsoolete meaning mostly useless. I dont mean that a 'better' model came out. That's really good yours is lasting well.

Ed, I like the fan part! .
I really like these replies!. It helped. I already bought it though!> NOw Im' happier that I did :-D . I need to work an extra 5 hrs a week for a while! lol.
i have been wanting to set up Auto water changes but as my wife says i need to stop spending $$$ on the tank.. so i need to wait a bit. let me know how you land with that set up.
I want an auto changer. I need to see overall cost of course. but yuo and I know it's stressful just thikninga bout a water change feven if it doesnt take tooo long. I have an apartment so I dont jknow where I'd put the reservoire. I was gonna wait til hopefuly I move to a little house this year to do it.
Have you considered the HYDROS Controller? just another option for you

I didnt at all. But it looks interesting from the 5 mins I just read about it. I noticed it doesnt have as many outlets, but it has usb ports, apex does not. I dont know a comparison apex vs hydra though at all.
I have had my classic running a tank for Atleast 12 years.
I bought the new version for my new tank.
I find the new one *easier* to set up with the tasks but both are still a bit of a pain in the ***.
I couldn't get either to connect with wifi so I have routers inside the stands they are hardwired too.

I wouldn't set up a tank without one but it's a pain in the ***. The Neptune Facebook group is amazing for help.
I still have $1000 worth of digital aquatics control that does everything I want and more. Obsolete implies something it does will no longer be needed or something new is not supported. Aquarium care hasn't changed that much over the past 30 years.
Ordered one the same month the new generation came out, i've never had any problems except wi-fi connectivity. Moved the router closer and firmware upgrades seem to have helped that out.

There is a Cor pump, three Pmup pumps, a Breakout box and Wavs hooked up. no problems with any so far.
Thx for the responses. I did get one and a trident. I do like it a lot. I even have my tunze streams controlled by the apex. The fan, heater. Calcium reactor, now I wont get too high of an alk again without knowing it, etc. I found a tutorial youtube channel on it, which helped immensely. And it can control more than one tank, which is neat, since I have two :-D