Wonder how high this one will go?

21Reefman..... I love it when trolls sign up to talk some smack... You probably have another account and just signed this one up because you were to affraid to say something with your other account.

Do you think just because people didn't speak up on this thread that it means the MAJORITY doesn't agree that these eBay tactics are wacked? GET REAL.... Maybe since your new you don't know how the forum works. But can you see how it's had 2800+ views and only about 200 comments, that obviously there are more people reading this that have opions too but with not to share. This has been discussed many times on many boards. Also, serveral articles have been written on the subject. It's pretty much agreed upon by the MAJORITY of reefers that these eBay tactics do NOTHING to help the hobby. How would you know anyway since you just joined up today? I love it when TROLLS create new user accounts to talk some smack and flame some stuff up again but have nothing to contribute to the community. Is this your second account you created just for this purpose 21ReefTROLL because you are affraid to post with your real user account. Get a life 21reefTROLL.

Just to let everyone know, I am not naming any names. But one of the docs "Former" "Clients" has PM'ed me thanking me for "enlightening" him about the world of zoas. They had no idea that there was such a large zoanthid community and all these trades went on and you could actually get zoas for such better deals. So I don't care what ANYBODY thinks about what I have to say it's all been worth it even if it's only 1 reefer that has "seen the light" and know nows there is a better way to get flashy zoas other than spending the kids college funds.

As for you 21reefTROLL..... I'll have the mods check to see if your IP logs in with any other accounts, since having multiple accounts is against the sites policies. I am guessing you do....

Pretty funny how you just signed up now, and your first posts were to start a fight with someone....
OK, just for the record.... I just went through all the pages and counted all the individuals that Agree with what I am saying, and then the inividuals that agree with what doc is saying. There were quite a few posts that were just comments and didn't agree one way or another. Most of these people just had stuff to say about paying high prices for zoas. Which was never the subject of this thread. It was specifically about using zoaid to hype your product... That was the point.

I counted 17 that agreed that using zoaid in that manner was wrong, and 6 individuals that agreed with doc that it's a good tactic and that he didn't do anything wrong.

So, that's 17 that agree with me, 6 that agree with doc. The people that only had comments regarding paying high prices were not counted in either category because that isnt't the issue.

So, hmmm.... 17 agree with me, 6 agree with doc that using zoid in that way is ok. HMMM>>.. I thought we were in the MINORITY 21reefTROLL.... Even if you take the people that were in the nuteral category of only making comments about paying high prices for corals and put them in the list with DOC, although it would get that side up to about 12-14... that's still a minority...

Maybe someone wants to go back and recount, but I think it's pretty clear that the MAJORITY of people that posted in this thread don't agree with the Docs "marketing" practices. (False HYPE is all it really is, that's why I always put "marketing" in quotes, lol)

And if you don't believe these eBay "marketing" are frowned upon by the reefing community as a whole, than you should go do some reading. It doesn't help the hobby. Only helps propagate the myths about these "RARE" corals.
I found the same picture of the (overpriced)zoa's I bought from some guy on zoaid,(the picture that he used to sell them to me.) The picture is SSOOOO photoshoped, even under heavy actinics the zoa's aren't close to being as bright as his pic. Now, I don't have, and could not produce, a photo this far from the actual color but, thanks to zoaid I can use the same missleading photo that he showed me, because the picture is on the site.....Not exactly ethical, 2 wrongs don't make a right, yet zoaid is making it all possable.

he is talking about PHE's
There is only one way to truly keep something rare in this hobby. That is when you aquire it to keep it to yourself and not talk about it. There are new corals being shipped all the time. The price on them goes up only after hobbyists start talking about them. If you do not think wholesalers read stuff like this your kidding yourself. They find whats hot and slowly flood the market until it is saturated. That is why nothing is truly rare in this hobby. Everything cycles. It use to be efflo's, then zoanthids, then dendro's, then echi's and so on and so on. In two years it will be efflo's or some other coral again. It took me a couple of years to aquire six blasto merletti colonies and about ten wellsi colonies. Now I can get three times that amount in about six minutes. Why? Everyone wants them now and the market is flooded with them. But that will soon pass.

So this is my opinion on people that purchase now corals with intent to profit(I use to be that guy). Only a few will truely profit the rest will be stuck with some high priced corals that they better like or plan to sell off at a loss. The trick is to get the coral before it gets hot. Not by paying $400 for 25 polyps(I have done it myself)

That original blowout awesome coral just to use an example. I got this three years ago. I think I sold three original wild cuttings and about 15 aquacultured frags. I profited nicely from this original $40 colony. And a few have profited even more than me. But soon they will be cheap. This started as a one polyp frag.


I looked at zoaid and saw at least if I remember correctly six strains of this coral that are very similar. Including the daytrippers. Here is the same coral above under different lighting.

I do not think it is a rare coral. It might be limited in the hobby right now but in a year everyone that wants them will probably have them. The grow wicked fast. Thus bringng the price down.

Now these two colonies are not rare but the top one I have had for about six years from a wild colony. It survived two tank crashes and about ten moves. I know I am the only person that has this coral right now. There is probably hundreds or thousands just like it but not IT. That being said I know it is not in demand and I would be lucky to get $10 a frag for it. So I keep it. The second pic only two known people have it and I have had it over three years and only given three frags away. two died. Again not rare but not something you see everyday nor am I willing to part with it. But again I am not keeping it to profit from it.


So if you have something truely unique and you want it to stay that way. You have to keep it to yourself. I know this is off topic but come on Ebay to me is not the place to find rare corals. It is the place to empty your wallet. I see more junk there than anything. Most(not all) of the handlers do not know how to ship and do do more harm than good. I have a friend that purchased a lot of stuff on ebay. She also lost a lot of stuff to. I put an auction up and the guy stiffed me. Great first impression if you ask me.

Coral nutz, you are soooo self absorbed! Get a life! Do YOU RUN this place?? You must not have any authority in your life, so you come here and act like Hitler! I have commented in this thread using asg74 or something along that line. it was a friend who let me respond to your crap on his acct. Then I went and got my own. I am new, not stupid! You have such a SLEEZY presence! I will not be replying anymore, enjoy wallowing in your self-righteous, egomaniac mud slick with the other PIGS! Your ramblings are tiresome, your aqllegations are unfouned... Your Ignorance seems to be an endless cycle.

It's people like you who flame someone just to hear your own opinions, People like YOU who ruin all good things in this world!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6693962#post6693962 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by DEEC77
Well put Gooch!! Let's all agree to disagree and move on.


Yes Gooch, Very well put!!
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6694282#post6694282 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 21Reefman
Coral nutz, you are soooo self absorbed! Get a life! Do YOU RUN this place?? You must not have any authority in your life, so you come here and act like Hitler! I have commented in this thread using asg74 or something along that line. it was a friend who let me respond to your crap on his acct. Then I went and got my own. I am new, not stupid! You have such a SLEEZY presence! I will not be replying anymore, enjoy wallowing in your self-righteous, egomaniac mud slick with the other PIGS! Your ramblings are tiresome, your aqllegations are unfouned... Your Ignorance seems to be an endless cycle.

It's people like you who flame someone just to hear your own opinions, People like YOU who ruin all good things in this world!


Apparently someone else as no life.

It needs to be to keep teh trolls out.

I think the point has been well stated. There are a lot of people on RC, not just in this thread, who think that the trends that are going on on Ebay and other places of inflating prices by using key words in both unehtical as well as a detriment to this HOBBY.

Unfortunatly, there will always be those who can't see the thruth for the bump on their nose. It's just the human ego to always want to posses something better than the next guy. So to do this, they have to use the means they have at hand to inflaie whatever it is they have just so it will be better then everybody else's.

As was stated by me and a few others, if any of these corals were truely rare, then only you would have them and that would be because you went into the one spot in the ocean that no one else has ever been and collected it.

Yes they are some nice zoa's, but they are not rare. If you like them and enjoy them, great. If you don't, then pass on them. But don't try and make others want what you have by saying the are the super duper rae latest fad around type of retoric. It's just bad for the HOBBY all the way around. ;)

Doc, I actually feel sorry for you as you have been dupped into that craze. Unfortunatly you have also prepetuated the fad as well. I hope you come away from this learning a few things for the better. Good luck with your HOBBY.
Who are you?

Dude, I've been on this site a long long time. Seen people like you come and go.

Welcome and don't let the door hit you in the...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6694282#post6694282 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by 21Reefman
Coral nutz, you are soooo self absorbed! Get a life! Do YOU RUN this place?? You must not have any authority in your life, so you come here and act like Hitler! I have commented in this thread using asg74 or something along that line. it was a friend who let me respond to your crap on his acct. Then I went and got my own. I am new, not stupid! You have such a SLEEZY presence! I will not be replying anymore, enjoy wallowing in your self-righteous, egomaniac mud slick with the other PIGS! Your ramblings are tiresome, your aqllegations are unfouned... Your Ignorance seems to be an endless cycle.

It's people like you who flame someone just to hear your own opinions, People like YOU who ruin all good things in this world!

Wow... Holy anger monkeys buddy..... Repeat after me. Gooozfraaaabaaa. :lol:

It'll be ok man....
Hey can someone please teach me the secret hand shake now?

OOOHHH I get it! It's a handshake where the noob slips the regulars some zoa frags...ahhhh...
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6693877#post6693877 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gooch

So if you have something truely unique and you want it to stay that way. You have to keep it to yourself. I know this is off topic but come on Ebay to me is not the place to find rare corals. It is the place to empty your wallet. I see more junk there than anything. Most(not all) of the handlers do not know how to ship and do do more harm than good. I have a friend that purchased a lot of stuff on ebay. She also lost a lot of stuff to. I put an auction up and the guy stiffed me. Great first impression if you ask me.


I agree about keeping it rare.

I disagree about not finding rare corals on ebay. there is plenty of rare stuff that is put on ebay. just because some dumb person stiffed you is not a good enough reason to complain about ebay. you will find loosers no matter where you sell corals.

I hope you banned that person from bidding on your auctions again!
I don't like Ebay regardless of whether I sell on it or not. Regardless of whether someone stiffs me or not. I didn't like it before I used it. Reason being is so many people have no clue about what they are doing when it comes to shipping livestock or giving true representation of what the coral looks like. Yes to you and I it is easy. But when 3/4 of the auctions my friend bought came in zip lock bags(leaking), uninsulated or poorly insulated, heat packs right on the bag and cooked corals I have to be leary of purchasing anything that comes from someone that is not a vendor outside of ebay. As with everything I write am stating an opinion based on my experience or the experience of those I know on a personal level. Take what I write with a grain of salt.

I guess I agree you can find an unusual coral on occasion. But Jns you can probably agree with this. After running a shop for many years and hunting down exotic stuff many years before that, that much of what you see on there is not rare. At least to me.

I just think there are better ways to find unusual corals. I know you have your connections as you have incredible stuff. I do not have the connections I use to but I can still find a nice one every now and then.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6703485#post6703485 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by gooch
I don't like Ebay regardless of whether I sell on it or not. Regardless of whether someone stiffs me or not. I didn't like it before I used it. Reason being is so many people have no clue about what they are doing when it comes to shipping livestock or giving true representation of what the coral looks like. Yes to you and I it is easy. But when 3/4 of the auctions my friend bought came in zip lock bags(leaking), uninsulated or poorly insulated, heat packs right on the bag and cooked corals I have to be leary of purchasing anything that comes from someone that is not a vendor outside of ebay. As with everything I write am stating an opinion based on my experience or the experience of those I know on a personal level. Take what I write with a grain of salt.

I guess I agree you can find an unusual coral on occasion. But Jns you can probably agree with this. After running a shop for many years and hunting down exotic stuff many years before that, that much of what you see on there is not rare. At least to me.

I just think there are better ways to find unusual corals. I know you have your connections as you have incredible stuff. I do not have the connections I use to but I can still find a nice one every now and then.

I agree 100% with everything you have said.
Why would we want doodoo brown frags?

Whhaaattt??? How did you find out I had those? Now the demand is going to cause the prices on these to go out of site! Sorry I dont have any frags, dont even ask me for any. There all MINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!