Wonder how high this one will go?

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6677725#post6677725 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by doctor64776
Very very nice pics man ...

MOST of EVERYTHING on EBAY IS RARE... I see my zoos as rare because there are limiteed quantities of them.... show me a pic of your Galaxy blues? just when this debate began did a search and 55 of 433 items for live coral were RARE... The debate is over.. actually pretty dead even all points are made... :) <---- smiley face indicating peace

LOL. Sorry Doc, but as I stated earlier, THAT is the problem with everything. Everyone want's to put a moniker of "rare" or "LE" on their corals. IF they really were THAT rare, WE, meaning you and I , would not have them.

It's all just a marketing hype, there are no "RARE" corals in any of our tanks. I agree that there may be some in limited quanity because they have not been imported as of yet. But once the wholesalers find out that people want them, then they will send their collectors out to find them and import them.

So to say that you have a "rare" coral in you tank is a misnomer. If it really is Rare, I can garentuee their would be athorities knocking on your door. ;)
Chevy they may not be rare to you, but may be to others. There are places in this country that it is impossible to get nice zoas except by the net. If there is no demand then they are not rare. Where there is a demand they may very well be VERY RARE.. ;)
That dosen't make them rare, just harder to obtain. ;) But everyone seems to want their corals to be "rare". :rolleyes:

I guess it all depends on your perspective of rare. As I said, some of these corals that he's calling rare, I've seen at the wholesalers as well as the LFS. Some I have gotten easily in thermos trades which cost no more than 7.95 for shipping USPS priorty mail in a flat rate box. ;)

Well it looks like the winning bidder got the frags for 3 bucks a poylop plus 50 bucks shipping. Not too bad.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6677725#post6677725 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by doctor64776
Very very nice pics man ...

I have already answered all of your questions in numerous posts... MOST of EVERYTHING on EBAY IS RARE... I see my zoos as rare because there are limiteed quantities of them.... show me a pic of your Galaxy blues? just when this debate began did a search and 55 of 433 items for live coral were RARE... The debate is over.. actually pretty dead even all points are made... :) <---- smiley face indicating peace

Hey Coral NUTS... I never did get your address? so I guess we are not doing the whole peace dance? Like the REV said? I thought it would be fun

Well let me just say this.. I think the debate is done. I don't agree with your "marketing" tactics.... We've been through this time and time on this thread.

To be honest if had thought that this thread was going to get ANY attention other than a few chuckles yet another crazy ebay auction I wouldn't have posted. I and I will tell you that I will NEVER post about someone's ebay auction in the future. While I don't agree that what I did was slander, liable or even close to unethical for pointing it out, I have seen that it can cauase issues. I can certainly understand your point about feeling as if I was attacking your personally. If I would have thought you posted or even looked around here I wouldn't have done it. I've learned my lesson on that. While I do NOT appologize that I started this thread and pointed it out. I am sorry that it got to this level. So just like you DOC... I don't feel I did anything wrong, but I won't do it again.

As far as trading corals with you. I wouldn't trade with ANYONE that I thought was going to try to get rich selling them on ebay... Plus if those were your super zoas I don't think I'm that impressed....

So, I am all for peace and blah blah... But I still the way I do, just as you do.. Hopefully this thread won't turn into a whose got the sweetest zoas thread..... CAUSE I'LL WIN :lol: (that was just a joke, even though I think it's true)

So happy Monday to you all... Good luck on your auctions in the future DOC, sorry if I put a damper on this one I didn't think it would have any effect as the people that usually hang out here are not silly enough to fall for eBay adds like yours. I plan to keep on educating people about these so called RARE ebay corals. I just won't mention anyone by name.
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Big welcome to all the newbies and lurkers that this thread has brought out.

Now you know that the REAL place to look at the best zoanthids is right here at RC. Please take a look around the Zoanthid forum for some KILLER examples of fine looking zoas!
(notice that I didn't say rare ;) )
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6678213#post6678213 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by smp
Big welcome to all the newbies and lurkers that this thread has brought out.

Now you know that the REAL place to look at the best zoanthids is right here at RC. Please take a look around the Zoanthid forum for some KILLER examples of fine looking zoas!
(notice that I didn't say rare ;) )


I don't think you did anything wrong by bringing this subject up. YES it is a tough topic to discuss sometimes. All we, you and I, are trying to do is educate others on some of the practices of others.

At least you did accomplish one thing with your thread, you've made it know that there are/were people out there using zoaid as a way of promoting their sales which is NOT what the site was intended for. ;)

Maybe in the future, things will be differrent and we wont have everyone trying to claim their corals as "rare". :D

Main Entry: 1rare
Pronunciation: 'rar, 'rer
Function: adjective
Inflected Form(s): rarÃ"šÃ‚·er; rarÃ"šÃ‚·est
Etymology: Middle English, from Latin rarus
1 : marked by wide separation of component particles : THIN <rare air>
2 a : marked by unusual quality, merit, or appeal : DISTINCTIVE b : superlative or extreme of its kind
3 : seldom occurring or found : UNCOMMON

Maybe they should be called Choice instead.
As a side note, I'm glad this thread wasn't locked.
Locked threads almost suck as bad as flatworms.
I am sorry that you feel that way Nutz ... :( that was my very best effort to Peace out with you... OK I can accept nuetral...
I have not seen many of your full flash zoos coral Nutz? show them to us...

I am going to post of few of mine that I just know will be called crap because thats what you do here coral nutz.. tear people down... hey show me yours now LOL Ive shown you mine... I usually do not take flash pictures because these corals do not live in a world of flash they they live in a world that filters out many of the waves of light leaving mostly the BLUEs at the lower end of the spectrum and this is what makes colors seem so surreal when we dive... Acintic lighting and high Kelvin temps do thier very best to simulate that environment...

DAYTRIPPERS with full power forced flash


GALAXY BLUES with full power forced flash


Armaggedon with full pwer forced flash


TOXIC GREENS with full power forced flash


SAFECRACKERS with full power forced flash


FIRE and ICE with full power forced flash

Just to the immediate left of the SAFECRACKERS you can see the BLUE KISS that recently sold on EBAY.... Immediately behind the SAFECARACKERS you can see the Mean Greens
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6678899#post6678899 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by doctor64776
I REALLY REALLY Like Blown Chevies stuff alot!!! Those are phenom :)

wait till I get a better camara to take pic's that show the color better. ;) I've got afriend who has a good camara w/ macro lens that's going to come over and take some pic's for me. ;)

Most all of them were gotten thru thermos trades or from other RC member for less than 30 bucks for at least 50 poylops. ;) A few did come from the LFS but I stll only paid 30 bucks for a large rock. One being my other rock of BamBam Oranges.

I also have some fire & Ice that I got from a RC member that I traded some shrooms for because they were loosing color in his dimly lit tank. He got them from the LFS for about 30 bucks for a big rock. ;)
The armaggedon looks great with flash :) glad to see the pics on Zoaid are a true representation of color.

I hate to tell you though...the last one is NOT fire and ice... NOT EVEN CLOSE! I dont think those are safe crackers either...the center ring is no wear near large enough. (I've said this in another thread though, seems this morph is getting around as safecrackers alot...IMO they look nicer to me... more red, less blueish black = prettier to me)

LOL...blue? ok...I'm gonna stop here before I **** someone else off.
:lol: :rolleyes:

this is STILL going on?? man...most of the original purposes of this thread has gotten blown way out of proportion and points being misconstrued. i'd say we are waaaaaaaaay off topic here than what was originally intended.

doctor, sell what you want on ebay, for however much you want...i think most people (and me) were just upset about the use of ZoaID which is a seperate topic meant for whodah really.

doc..with all due respect, IMO those don't look all that rare... but, they may in fact look VERY rare for someone who lives an hour or two from the nearest LFS or club. i like the ones in the first pic, they are pretty neat. think you can get a good macro shot of a single polyp? just curious...

alot of people do use RARE or LE on ebay just to get their stuff sold for big bucks, when in fact it is not RARE or LE. everyone has a definition of RARE or LE, depending on the area. so whatever...just dont expect EVERYONE to like it...

its so hard to say a pic of a zoa that looks like XYZ, is in fact XYZ under totally different lighting conditions, different tanks, and different cameras. and in alot of cases in our zoanthid forum, many many people say a zoanthid looks like XYZ from zoaID, but 10 people say it is, or could be....than 10 other people say its not. who's right? i dunno....does it really matter what its name is? (to some people yes, b/c they beleive its worth more..so they can resell or justify their insane spending problem)

and this is to everyone...on the "blue zoa" comment. does anyone remember when a guy tried to sell his zoas in the selling forum, marked "rare blue zoas", and took pics under 20k halides + actinic VHO's. everyone trashed the guy cuz he said his zoas were blue, when in fact the entire pic was blue.......and demanded he took a pic with flash under 10k's or at least no actinics. and of course they were in fact brown.......but he defended himself saying all of his corals are indeed blue, and none of them (or ANY in anyones tanks, or in the ocean), would look blue without actinic or 20k supplementation....

so, does actinic and 20k bulbs in fact make a brown zoa a rare blue zoa?? to YOUR eyes maybe....but thats not fooling mother nature. :lol:
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6678786#post6678786 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by doctor64776
I am going to post of few of mine that I just know will be called crap because thats what you do here coral nutz.. tear people down...

See, how can I "make peace" with someone that just can't let it go? I think if you take a look at the stuff I post around here. I would have to say that more than 50% of them are posts trying to help newbies out and answer other questions people have. I try to be as productive as I can in this comunity and I don't feel I "tear people down" I guess I would call it "telling it like it is". I don't think I have every called your Zoas "crap" once. I said they are common, not rare, and not that impressive to me...

If you really want to find some of my zoas start looking around. I have posted just about all of them on here... I don't feel the need to break out my camera just to prove to you that I have some nice zoas... I think the people that count around here know that I got the good stuff, lol. They also know that while not everyone of my posts or threads may be worded the best they could be, but they do know that my intentions are good and I would like to help the hobby along anyway I can.

If you really want to see some of my zoas you can go look at www.coralnutz.com or you can look at my photobucket account


Some are with flash some are without. But even my without the flash pics they are TRUE representations with an EVEN balance of lighting. All my tanks have a 50/50 mix of 10K URI aquasun VHO's and Super actinics... Notice I said EVEN mix... Not 20K + 440 Watts of actinics on top of that. I think it's amusing that you talk about the way the corals look in the wild. Have you ever even been diving on a real reef? The colors are not as you descripe them. The light is actuall a LOT more white/yellow than it is in most of our tanks. And it especially doens't look like 20K + actinics, lol.....

To each their own on their lighting choices... I don't think I ever attacked you about your lighting, while I think it makes the corals look distorted and don't show the TRUE colors, your auctions do indeed indicate the lighting you use.

So if you really want to make peace, great... Doesn't mean we have to trade frags... But what it does mean is that you need to quit with the jabs like the following

"I am going to post of few of mine that I just know will be called crap because thats what you do here coral nutz.. tear people down..."
I was sold them as Fire and Ice? BUMMER oh well I like them see we need ZOAID :) the SAFECRACKERS ARE the real thing I got them from Chris Little on Frags . org he got them directly from the guy who originated the name.. Chris would defend himself far better than I. Perhaps you should tell him they are not real? I also have some awesome closeups! that look almost as good as the famous pic you all recognize but those pics are without flash... as was the original masters pic under acintics without flash. I didnt think you would like my stuff being masters and all... well I love your stuff.... Guess I should just go drain all my tanks out huh?
Your point is taken coral nutz

Well put and agreed surf

Its shame that in 2 yrs of collecting and blowing outrageous amounts of money that EVERYTHING I have is common :( I really do not understand this? One would think that even with the shotgun effect of throwing money everywhere I would have stumbled upon something not termed as "Common" OK help me show me something taken with a flash that is not common... and even better tell me how one goes about obtaining it? I will present this as a challenge to all...

I want something uncommon... show me a SUPER ZOO?
Not to worry. Those zoos you have are amazing. You do not need to prove to anyone here on RC with the zoos that you have.
I would have thought this post would have ended by now.
Like my other post mention, RARE or LE, it all depends on the buyer and seller.

I checked your site and I think your peices look very nice.... rich colors. I especially liked your emerald green colored ones..


Thank you Tom I appreciate that :)
Maybe the reason in your two years of blowing money, all you did was propagate the myth that these zoas are "RARE".... Maybe it's not that just your zoas are not rare, but NONE of them are that rare.

I think, hard to come by doesn't equal rare.... Especially true with ANY of the corals that people try so hard to get... if they were truely RARE,, nobody would know about them... the reason everyone wants safecrackers is because they ARENT rare and they see them everywhere. PPE's are they rare? NOT in my book.... I bet 80% - 90% of the hardcore collectors that hang out here have them. See here I go again doc, not tearing people down, but trying to educate people that it's a BIG MYTH that these zoas are rare.

These people that are buying RARE corals are either uninformed about where to get them at a fraction of the price or even a trade. If your really serious about becoming the master zoa collector here's my advice.... Lose the word RARE for zoas, save that term for the professionals that actually spend day after day, year after year working in the ocean. It's just like last year with the Lord craze... Not one of those INDO lords were rare in the least bit, yet people lined up and begged to pay $50/polyp in hopes that they would be able to frag it in a few months and get rich. Just like why you paid $400 for a rock with 25 safecrackers, you thought you could make a profit. If you had really just wanted to have them for having them, you wouldn't have fragged them up and sold them to the point that you are claiming you are "running out".

Please don't take this as a personal attack. I am just trying to help educate you. If your goal is to just make a quick buck and then faid away with all the other RARE coral sellers on ebay do. Or you can learn more about these beautiful creatures, get in with the crowd of serious zoa junkies and enjoy the top of the line zoas and keep your money for other things. But like I stated before, you aren't going to gain much respect around here if you want to keep up your current tactics... I am betting that even if you had something that we didn't that we actually wanted, the majority of people aren't going to trade with you becuase they know you are going to take the frag they send you, bust it in half and sell it as some really really RARE coral trying to double your money.

Please don't get me wrong about making money off of this hobby. I think that's fine. I know I have a dedicated frag setup that I would love to turn a profit on. Probably not going to happen though as I like to keep things fair and honest. But I think some things I just will NOT do to turn a buck. When I list frags for sale, I would have to admit, they usually aren't in the "budget coral" section, but I tell it like it is. Whenever I am selling I ALWAYS include a picture of my corals under regular lighting and then a group shot under a flash.

Here is an example of my last frag pack. I think it's ok to link it here because these frags are long gone.. if not, sorry mods, feel free to delete this part.... (Notice that my blues are even blue under the Flash... And I don't have to clasify my greyish zoas as "Sky Blue" becuase they are really blue and not just juiced up with actinics and 20K)


Hopefully someday you will realize that what you do on ebay doesn't help the hobby, just propagates myths about rarity and scares people away becuase they think they can never afford the "good stuff". Until that day though I think you will continue to pay $400 for 25 polyps of safe crackers.