Thanks! BTW
Awesome build!! Love the setup
Now that is a nice mock up... I am glad you were bored. That looks great!
The one cabinet door is crooked though. You may want to have them come back out and fix that... LOL
I am so jealous lol I'm scrimping and saving just to upgrade to a 65 cube lol. Looks amazing you have a great ole lady to let you do that
forget going up to the bed turn all lights out but the blues snuggle up tight and give the livestock a show lol
No web cam.Just make sure the web cam is off.
That is a sweet setup. I'll be following along to see how I should have done mine.
Basically, make up your own mind, don't follow blindly!!!
Good luck!!
Peace out!
No web cam.
Not sure I want to put a 'bug' in my house.
Can you get one without sound (or not allow sound - I'm assuming you can)
Oh, I'm not. I just look at some of the other builds on here and go, "wow". As for noise, I'm lucky that I have a fish room. I've got the noise down pretty good using a Herbie but we can still hear the overflow from time to time in the den. I found I had to keep the drain used for suction down a little bit just so it can prime by itself. I'm hoping the creation of a biofilm will reduce it somewhat. I've used so many different threads for ideas. That's the great thing about the folks here. They'll let you know what worked and what didn't, and if you're smart, you'll pay attention. I've tried to pay attention.
Anyway, love your build. I look forward to seeing what you'll do down the road.
Yeah you sure can.
I have one up.
Take a look. Zoom around. Sun does not come up until 1pm though.
That is VERY cool! Great looking tank too, BTW.
I'm still on the fence . . .
Your build is crazy. I love the good vibes on this thread. I can't wait to see it all come together. Nice build man, nice build.