
Man it just continues to get better! What ya gonna do for lighting?

I had taken a panoramic pic of all the lights lined up, RC won't let me post it.
I'll have to work on that LOL!!
Check my first post. It's been slightly modified - 4 pro (main) & 3 (sat 1 & 2 & fuge) 2nd gen.

when are the cabinets going up? so far very impressive

Slow down!
The cabinet guy (friend of mine from phillyfoos.com) is going on a cruise in 2 weeks - for two weeks.
That's fine by me, as I also have plans for the 4th of Jul, etc. . (you have to be in a real hurry if you need to abbreviate July! lol)

What's really important now is the LSS. So far, there are three 3.7" dia. x 3' Berlin bags & a Blue Line 1000 W heater/controller running in the sump as I type - that's it.
Tomorrow the protein skimmer. By Monday we hope to have it (listed in 1st post) all online . . .
we'll see . . .


Subscribing just to what kind of goofy stuff happens(like that haircut!) ;)
I got plenty of funny stuff - you will have to wait & see . . .

As for an update of latest progress . . .

I took the light (4' regular fluorescent) off of my foosball table & set it on the main tank:

Main tank (with Fooslight.com's light):



Miracle mud fuge:
That's a lot of equipment in that fish room. Looking good

Looking forward to progress and updates
Ooooo yea forgot the list of equipment on pg 1.... Duh! That's gonna be awesome with all those radions on there! I freakin love my gen 2
Someone asked for a whole wall shot . . .

Someone also asked about my 'spare' main pump . . .
It is an identical Tiger Shark 1.5 hp (It's pre plumbed)

I went to ASR & saw MIke. He hooked me up with 6 turbo snails & a brittle star!
They are just about done (drip) acclimating & we be released shortly . . .