Wood Canopy Or No Canopy


New member
I just want to know what the majority of you guys think about a wood canopy or no canopy. I took my canopy off and everyone of my friends prefer it that way...."I couldn't believe it".

Anyways, have you guys ever made the switch either way....
and which way do you personally prefer it?....I like it either way, but I guess I'm leaning towards the canopy on with retro-fitted vho's that I already have, two 250w double ended metal halides and a pair of moonlights.


Should I get the power campacts, metal halides and the moolights in one of those sleek new all in one proffesional lighting systems without the canopy?.

If you've been here, please let me know which you've personally have done and prefer. "THANKS FOR YOUR HELP"
I never had a canopy. I had a VHO retrofit over the tank, and that was as close to cover as I ever got. Then, I switched to a MH pendant. I like the open look, if the tank doesn't have a rim. I don't like canopies that are tall.