New member
Seems nowadays a lot of people are claiming rights to the bowser paly. (PZ bowser, DC bowser, and cornbread bowser) which one do you guys like the best?
The real Bowser is the JP Bowser it was the first one
i think if i went to my lfs or anywhere and saw CAR and bowsers in the same tank i think id have a hard time distinguishing the two just looking at the tank. i wanted bowsers, but i think candy apple reds will satisfy me, atleast until the bowsers drop is price
horrible pic of it next to CAR
Is that the DC Bowser??
No Lineage to DC. I got this frag as a wild colony a while back.
I also got the Cornbred Bowser.. look the same
Even my CAR are developing yellow stripes... just not as bright though. Main difference I see so far is brightness... and the skirt on the bowser I have are full red instead of just a stripe like on CAR
Yup.The real Bowser is the JP Bowser it was the first one
Most of the "Bowsers" in this hobby only have a yellow lining, doesn't that make them Candy Apple Oranges? Bowsers is supposed to me MOSTLY orange and obviously doesn't look like a CAR.
So you are saying that the JP Bowser is the first one? Is that the one that is in the picture?