Would the real Bowser Paly please stand up

I agree with buddy, and I'm in the procees of trying to collect the JP DC and CB. The JP has been hard to find for me... I also have varaints of the CAO and CAR.. PAlys are prolly
my fav then rare sps
Comparision shot

The right is a CAR under as much as light as the compared bowser.

Though I must note, the bowser have no lineage... I found it a while back and just been letting it sit in the tank. It is by far the slowest grower. I think I might've got 1p in the 4-5 month I've had it.
Does anyone know if jay is still in the hobby?? I know his store closed down a few years ago. I had 3 bowsers from him but they melted on me. The ones that people have shown me don't look the same as the ones I had
<a href="http://s283.photobucket.com/user/the413pimp/media/EA2FE472-D039-4821-B716-B751668A309C_zpsb19kueoz.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i283.photobucket.com/albums/kk313/the413pimp/EA2FE472-D039-4821-B716-B751668A309C_zpsb19kueoz.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo EA2FE472-D039-4821-B716-B751668A309C_zpsb19kueoz.jpg"/></a>
These are OG Bowers from JP DC was selling his that came from JP I know this because I had the pleasure to see the original colony at JP shop AIM and DC took me there.

Now all other that came out were morphs CB PZ what not as shown in this pic below I ran a grow out of Cars and my buddy won the grow out and after year plus of the right conditions and high light Cars straight turned in to what you see today as Bowers.
Our LFS sells these as "Wowsers" for pretty cheap. Claims they don't melt as easy compared to the OG Bowsers. We started with a single polyp that are quickly growing out!

Either way we like them whatever they want to call them lol.