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Wow took me a while to read this one. I thought I was the only brutal person on here. ksteiny you threw me off I thought you were a stand up guy.

You know I am waiting for LFS owners to have photo albums of people to watch out for like the Walgreens in the city. :D
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6920381#post6920381 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Letmegrow
Chad takes care of me just fine, so don't worry.

Jan knows now at least what you said, so we will see what she does with that info.

I'm just glad I don't like a lot like Danny Tanner.

what are you the pet store police
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6920447#post6920447 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by chadfarmer
what are you the pet store police

Yes I am.

We are still trying to figure out what you are tho.
I thought ChadFarmer's job was to test all reef equipment for proper, unbiased reviews.....

No matter the cost, no matter the recommended tank size.

Chad is to buy it and test it!
I thought I was being a stand up guy by making fun of everyone equally. I only left out the other local stores because I don't have much experience with them. I would be happy to give it a shot but wouldn't want to get the thread closed.

I'm sure Jan will agree that I have said much worse!!! She may have to give me a good spanking.

It is interesting how noboby seemed to mind me ripping on M.S. but mention Gateway Aquatics or Chad and things get ugly! Steve dosen't have any agenda here does he. By the way you should call my mom maybe she won't invite me over for dinner anymore.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6919269#post6919269 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Letmegrow
Well I made sure Jan at Clayton and Chris at Beldts saw this thread, so you can give them your version of the truth to their face next time you see them.

Nice extra sucking up to Clayton too, must still need their hand outs and discounts.

Nothing like the smell of a burning bridge early in the morning.

I mean in all honesty who cares, what they think about he said if they don't pay attention to the board that is there own problem
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6920765#post6920765 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by kentrob11
I ate some wings last night that gave me a serious case of gas. My wife made me sleep on the couch...

Don't you know any better they are called trash wings if that wasn't any kind of a hint! Maybe it was the beer I had issues too. I think Tom put something in it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6920725#post6920725 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ksteiny
I thought I was being a stand up guy by making fun of everyone equally.

How is that being a stand up guy ? So if you make fun of people publically that makes you a stand up guy ? Everyone has said something about everyone at some time,but there is a time and place and I dont think this board is the place for it !

It is interesting how noboby seemed to mind me ripping on M.S. but mention Gateway Aquatics or Chad and things get ugly!

Didnt think you had a reason to rip on me,but guess I was wrong ! So much for thinking before you write something,but whatever works !
Hey guys whats up with the guy with less than 60 posts talking trash about all the local stores .

Those that can't do ......................
Maybe your tank water just sucks and thats why your fish die .Or maybe your fish don't like listen to you so they kill themselves .

I for one like MS and Chads And CPE

If someone doesn't like a store they just don't need to go .It isn't like its work and you have to go or anything .
correct me if I am wrong but isn't ksteiny the same guy who showed SEASL members how to frag last go around?
Wow......what a read......

Chadfarmer is an equipment junkie.......

Hey Ksteiny...I just called ur mom and ur in trouble.

And for all LFS......most are doin a great job and some are still stuck in the 70's.....
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6920964#post6920964 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ramtheory
correct me if I am wrong but isn't ksteiny the same guy who showed SEASL members how to frag last go around?
Correct !
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6920725#post6920725 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ksteiny
It is interesting how noboby seemed to mind me ripping on M.S. but mention Gateway Aquatics or Chad and things get ugly!

There are some very active members on this board who have strong ties to GWA, including the owner, an employee, and, I believe, several members who helped prepare the store for business. There have been entire threads with photos detailing the construction in the store. I don't think it's much of a shock that particular issue was taken with your insults to that particular store.

As for me, I have never been to GWA (it's probably 45 min from me) and have no particular loyalty to it whatsoever. I took issue with your comments on it because (1) they were particularly nasty, and (2) you directly contradicted yourself, ironically while portraying yourself as someone who's just telling the truth.

These aren't faceless corporations. I have been to almost all of the Missouri-side LFSs while equipment shopping over the last several months, and there are some that I like a lot and some that I don't like so much, but I wouldn't make nasty comments about them on a public forum. If there is something specific I don't like, I might say so in a reasonable manner (and in fact I have), without all the sarcasm. These are small, local businesses run by local individuals trying to make a living. How could you think that such pointed insults wouldn't hit home somewhere and ruffle some feathers?
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