xxl skimmer advice


New member
I currently own a 300 gallon fish only with live rock. In about a year i plan on upgrading to a 750 and turning my 300 into a reef. I am currently unhappy with my skimmers performance so I was wondering what you guys would recommend. I've been thinking about a large ER (high 12's), an aerofoamer 848 w/ 2 becketts or the custom, and lastly the mrc commercial line. What do you think? any of you have experience with these? Thanks for your help!!!
Most of the large tanks in my area are powered by an aqua medic turbo floater 5000 or bigger. I think the 500 is rated at 250-500 gallons. This will perform outstanding on your 300 gallon.

The 10000 is for tanks 1000+ gallons. :0
turboflotor 5000 twin is rated for 1250 gallons.

The Big RK25s and up look good for larger tanks.
Venturi, airstone, and even impeller-mixing models like the berlin/turboflotor cant hold a candle to a HSA skimmer. High-Speed-Aeration Skimmers come in 3 varieties...
First, the spray injection type: The primary mfg of these is AquaC. They hold the patents on these skimmers so nobody else can make them for sale, yet many people DIY them. Very effective. Not touchy or in need of constant adjustment like venturi types. The AquaC remora is one of these skimmers for smaller aquariums.
Second, the downdraft skimmer: AEtech is the primary mfg and also holds the patents on this design. Many models available, all with an exellent reputation. The biologists at many public reef facilities seem to like these...saw a few in use at the Shedd Aquarium. Also not touchy. But the process only works with high flow, so small aquariums like nanos need not apply.
Third, the beckett: Beckett, a pond acessories mfg, happens to make a foaming fountain nozzle that mixes water and air very well. It is rated to be used at 500gph however. It makes a very good nozzle&mixer, but it's flow requirements make it pretty much for large tanks only...right up your alley though. Many people DIY these...they are virtually impossible to get wrong. Insert pump outlet with 1000gph into beckett foamer....aim into tall chamber, and let er rip. Precision Marine makes a 'Bullet' line that is a good example of these skimmers. MRC, as mentioned by moonpod is another, but the list is long since the only patent is by beckett...and they are letting anyone use their part in their skimmer.
Do a little search on google with these names, and you will find much info. You can even go to the AquaC and AEtech websites and copy the patent numbers...go to the patent office website...paste...and see diagrams and plans of how these skimmers work. These three types of HSA skimmer would be my only choice...of the three...it seems the best overall value is the beckett skimmer (competition drives price down, unlike AEtech and AquaC that hold exclusive patents)...and some of the larger models are really effective...REEEEAAAAALLLLLYYYY effective. Were talkin' gobs of black crap in a matter of hours.
I think I have read most of the articles and some of the research on protein skimmers over the last few years and would like you to qualify this statement:

Venturi, airstone, and even impeller-mixing models like the berlin/turboflotor cant hold a candle to a HSA skimmer. High-Speed-Aeration Skimmers come in 3 varieties...


qualify what? that HSA skimmers are the most effective? Many reefers just KNOW this. The berunelli principle is just more effective at inducting air. There are a few reviews out there...just do a google search. Many HSA skimmers even warn the user that the amount of air injected can result in rapid evaporation and proper top-off methods should be used.
Of course, anyone can make a venturi that is just bigger, but same size, same pump...HSA is more effective. IME, venturis often need constant air & flow adjusting as well. HSAs seem pretty much like setup&forget.
One good comparison I remember was the CPRbakpak2R, a venturi-pump mixing HOB skimmer...vs...the AquaC remora. Both are almost identical in size (actually the remora is thinner if i remember right), yet the remora made double the skimmate...pretty good apples to apples IMO and a good test even if on a smaller scale...the sizes and recomended pump outputs on these models are near identical.


I have seen it too. Had a berlinXLturbo, CPR...and my cousin used a turboflotor1000. Then I DIYed a beckett...I never saw anything like it...and this was a DIY!!! My cousin since bought a MRC for his 180...loves it. The HSAs often have self cleaning nozzles...most venturis...esp the needle wheel models, need cleaning to keep the impellers clean or they quickly become useless.


pretty good comparison...the venturi even does well.
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here too:

Then there is price. Most of the really good venturi/pump-mixing models are expensive (custom pumps and all). An EAP/HSA is just less expensive cuz they are more simple (esp if you DIY one...mine cost me $30 in plastics, $20 beckett, +1000gph pump).

Heres my basic thought on it: With a pump mixing style...turboflotor as an example...air is taken into the pump...this decreases the overall flow of water for the sake of water mixing...because the air slows it all down. All that pump flow that is lost could be used in a more effective way by only pumping water...in a HSA style skimmer.
I already know all the things your telling me... I work at a saltwater wholesaller. I was looking more for personal experience! I have 3 euroreefs righ now (Small ONES). I've heard of possible seal problems on ER ext, Lots of pumps on the ER. Looks like it would be harder to clean also. I just dont know that much about becketts. That is I've never seen one in person an closely examined it. I know how they work. For the time being if i were to get the aerofoamer custom would a sequence WP-MT6000SEQ23XSX-SW be too much? How about on the commercial mrc?
dont know, but this might help.
otherwise I would just contact the mfg to be sure.

As far as cleaning, I know there are many self cleaning venturi skimmers, and many HSA ones do as well. The ETSS must need their mixing balls cleaned after a while. The AquaC seem pretty much impossible to clog...with their cloverleaf nozzles. The beckett ones can get clogged up after time as well, but the cool thing is that beckett injectors break apart very easily for a quick cleaning...although I havent had a real clog yet...must be the high pressure that keeps the mixer clean. I like the beckett method.
Nanook said:
turboflotor 5000 twin is rated for 1250 gallons.

The Big RK25s and up look good for larger tanks.

Uh, there are a few different models on the turboflotor 5000, not just a twin. Here are just a few that i can think of.

TF 5000 baby up to 500 Gallons.
TF 5000 single up to 1000 Gallons.
TF 5000 twin up to 1250 gallons.
grahxen said:
Uh, there are a few different models on the turboflotor 5000, not just a twin. Here are just a few that i can think of.

TF 5000 baby up to 500 Gallons.
TF 5000 single up to 1000 Gallons.
TF 5000 twin up to 1250 gallons.

Strong work, I knew those models as well. But since he was talking a 750g tank, I mentioned the skimmer the Turboflotor 5000 Twin which is rated for 1250 gallons. I think you can take the gallons they give you and cut it in half at least for realistic results....jmo.

