yeap new skimmer

me? lol Next skimmer will be here at the end of next week. The BK/ Vertex Alpha 250 cone skimmer. It is kinda nice. I have been able to use and try out skimmers others have only dreamed of using. I was able to beta test the warner marine K2 skimmer. I got our club the first production model to hit the market. And I will have the first bubble King cone skimmer to hit the shores in the USA. So yea I might have a fetish with skimmers a bit. But more than anything I probably have more first hand experience with all the brands in the market today.
I believe that with what I have seen and used over the last couple years have given me a good foundation on what to base these new skimmers on. Its crazy really. THere are times I fall asleep watching these skimmers run seeing how they work and wher they could be improved and where they excell. I know alot of people think it would be easy to just plug one in use it and say it works well or not. I do spend alot of time just watching these units. And maybe I can save all of you some money on buying what you will be happy with. Just because some cost a fortune doesnt mean they are worth all that money.

Sorry I can ramble on forever on skimmers . But by all means if you are on the fence about something shoot me a pm and maybe I can help. lol.
Mojo, you're a damned cool dude. Maybe at some point I'll look at adding a skimmer to my 20g, but for now, I'm not sure if that's needed. I know if I ever get my 72g bowfront (Dream tank!) going I'll want to have one.


yea they work, They are kinda expensive for outdated technology in my opinion. Better options available for the money.
Send me one to try after you test that new one. This skimmer hase pulled out more crap than any oter skimmer that I have owned. The new skimmers are washing machines . Create alought of bubbles no foam or skimmate.
This is my opinion
Well, not sure who poured sour milk in your cherrios. But alot of people think what they own is the best out there. Not all new skimmers are better that is for sure. And for the right price ill send you any skimmer you want. I dont get these for free.... I am not saying the lifereef are bad skimmers. Just better options for the money. They are quiet costly for what you get in my opinion. Any further conversation you wish to have can be done via PM as this is not the place for it. Thank you. I do this to help myself gain more knowledge and to help others make better descision on how to spend their hard earned money.
And as far as others.... Try a Bubble King or ATB skimmer they WILL WORK BETTER.....
personally I like my cheerios with yogurt.

Jesse when I get that 125 up and running I will get your input on an efficient modestly priced I really value your opinion on these things. No one I have ever known has as much hands on experience with more models of skimmers than you.
I have tried that and it doesn't work out all that well... you basically get no honey, then a huge bite of nothing but honey... yum
mojo, ill have you take a look at my euro reef rs135 at next months meet while your here

i cant figure out the best way to station it in the sump. and itll work fine one minute, then ill unplug and empty it, and itll do nothing but overflow forever until i start moving stuff around and unplug it again

[end off topic]

: = )