You might have red bugs if...


Premium Member
I recently treated all my acros for red bugs and thought I'd share some observations here. I suspect I've had them for a couple of years but only recently actually saw them, despite looking periodically. Most of my acros are attached to larger rocks and not easily moved "close to the glass" for inspection. I now have a mesoscope which will make future inspections easier. Obviously, seeing the bugs makes it easy but indirect signs can be a clue. Here are my personal observations of problems that, in retrospect, I believe were due to red bugs.

You may have red bugs if...
  • You have some acros that do well, like milliporas, and others that don't
  • Acros grow slowly or not at all despite apparently optimal conditions
  • Acros that previosly were growing have stopped for no apparent reason
  • Acros that previously had good polyp extension have quit extending their polyps

Does anyone have others signs to add to the list?

I think you covered it well.

The best sign could be lack of PE. Once the polyps don't come out
the way they used to you know somethings wrong.

just curious how far into the tank does the mesoscope see?
when I had red bugs I used a macro lens on my camera to check for them.
The closest the mesoscope can see is about 4 in. There is no limit to how far it can focus. It's a great little (but expensive) device. One of the only "problems" is that you really need a straight shot. If you have to look at an angle through the glass it is very difficult to hold it steady and there is distortion from the glass.

I'm very glad I bought the mesoscope. By the time I had gotten it I had already determined that I had red bugs, but it will make monitoring the corals in the future much easier. I also now have both a coral and a separate fish quarntine tank. Although I have been doing dips on corals before placing into the tank for quite some time, I have not had the ability to properly quarantine them before. Any new acros I get I plan to treat propphylactically with Interceptor, just to be sure.

My mesoscope isnt mine. Its a borrow. But if your involved in a reef club its a wise idea to share the wealth in one for the whole group. Borrowing when needed. Will also keep the clubs frag shares clean also.