Zoa eating Nudibranch lifespan?

Anyone have an idea of how long these lil buggers can live in a fallow tank? I've pulled all of my zoas and palys but my capt. America palys and my purple death palys and have them in QT. I couldn't get those out as they are on the two huge center piece rocks that aren't going to come out easily.

I know Flatworm exit works, but I don't want to nuke all the snails in my tank.
about 2seconds after I see one... lol.
would also like to know ive been dipping my zoas about every 3 days since I have found a couple nudis... PITA!!!!!!!
Going fallow your looking at 3 mths but there's no solid answer on that it's a risk , if you dip them correctly there history in three weeks.both monti and zoa nudis are fairly easy to get rid of if you do the right steps.
Ive had some issues with Zoa eating Nudis before. As far as i can tell, they just about never weren't on a colony of zoas. I did a little experiment where i floated a sandwich size Tupperware cup in my tank with about 6 nudibranches in it. They all died after 11 days. I cant say that this was from just starvation, or poor water quality in the container.
In my experience the zoa eating nudi's cannot survive long without zoas (it is my understanding they eat nothing else). I would estimate 1 to 2 weeks without food and they're dead.


some can live for a few weeks some up to a year depending on food availability. If you discover some in the tank. If your able to let the tank go aflo without Z's and P's you can probably disrupt the lifecycle of the nudi. I dip everything in coralRx, also try reading potatssium pomegranate? or if your doing dips, do dips with FWE.

Potassium permanganate? Interesting Id like to hear accounts of people succesfully using potassium permanganate, and where they got it.
Honestly I haven't tried or know,

I usually go with the Natural predators, manual removal and inspection then dips with FWE and also do peroxide.
Unbelievable, I have been dealing with issues with my zoas for a couple months. Some would open up great when I first get them and then in a few days just close up. After a couple weeks they were gone. I thought my water was to clean with zero NO3. Then I saw a weirs little creature on my class last night at 4am. Looked a Nudi so I looked it up and it was the zoa eating ones so I started looking on my closed colonies and their they were. So I pulled all the colonies out of the tank that were always closed and picked them off one by one while dipping them in Revive for 15min. I pulled 19 off total. Then I ran the colonies under running tap water from the sink for a few min. I did this instead of the FW dip because I had one in a glass of FW for like 10 min and he didn't die or fall of the side of the glass. So I figured running water would wash them clean. Then I rinsed the colonies in R/O and back in they went.
Today the colonies were open up and looking better. I will dip again in 3 days and keep a watchful eye.