Zoa eating nudies - flatworm exit?


New member
So..I have seen a couple of these in my system on my zoas. I have read that flatworm exit kills them if used with a higher dosage. Can I do, say a dubbel dosage in my DT to kill them without killing anything else?

I had a swarm of nudibranches in my 75 gallon tank and I searched every night for about a month with a flashlight and magnifying glass and I finally got them all.and trust me I have alot of liverock,and several colonies of zoanthids that are 300 plus heads,so I know if I can do it anyone can.you have to be persistent and check everynight.as far as flatworm exit goes,use at your own risk.I bought some as a last resort.but I never needed to use it.all I know is nothing worth while comes easy in this hobby.
Tonight (late evening now here in Sweden) I saw a whole bunch of them.. Does anybody have experience with flatworm exit and a stronger dosage? And how that effects the reef? I don't have a single flatworm in the tank, so the risk of poisoning the tank due to flatworms dying is none..

The nudies have now eaten a whole colony (100+ heads) of zooas. At first I blamed my coral beauty angel, but I have now seen the nudies on the colony. I was not all to fond of that colony so I can take that punch, but if they touch my small colony of blue eyed girls I'll get really mad! Thankfully, they have not noticed them yet!

Please help :)
I had a swarm of nudibranches in my 75 gallon tank and I searched every night for about a month with a flashlight and magnifying glass and I finally got them all.and trust me I have alot of liverock,and several colonies of zoanthids that are 300 plus heads,so I know if I can do it anyone can.you have to be persistent and check everynight.as far as flatworm exit goes,use at your own risk.I bought some as a last resort.but I never needed to use it.all I know is nothing worth while comes easy in this hobby.

Okey, well if flatworm exit can kill them without harming anything else that would be wonderful, but otherwise I'll have to pick them out by hand.. God, that will be a pain in the *** if so..

If I remove all zoas from the DT. How long does the nudies live then? I hope that they wont eat any other coral!?
noo, dip them in something good like coralRX or Revive. make sure they all drop and die [you can step on them if you think that would give u pleasure lol]

this way you get a head start on their population, then the wrasse will take care of smaller ones in tank, and if you do notice one or two here and there, remove them manually.
Okey, thank you :)

Are there any other wrasses that will eat them? Don't know if my LFS has malanarus wrasses. Does flasher wrasses eat them? (don't think so..?) Because they got a load of them..
your very welcome.
I dunno about flashers, I am just not too sure, but I wouldnt think so ... they are usually up in water column looking for food, rather than inspecting rocks and ...

but with any fish, the individual one might act different ... I have a trio of naoko wrasses [same family as flashers I think] but they do inspect corals for bugs ! so you never know.

but Id go for the ones that tend to inspect rocks and corals more, like malanarus, yellow wrasse, six line [not a good fish, its got attitude and will bother other wrasses] leopard or ...

you can ask this question of reef fish subforums, maybe would get better opinions :)
Yeah, okey, and again thank you :)
I'll see if they have any wrasses, maybe tomorrow or so.

Do you know what happens to the nudies if I remove all zoas from the tank? Are they going to die then?
I had a major outbreak after adding some zoanthids from a frag swap, even though I dipped the frags. I treated the tank with a double dose of ffe along with removing and dipping the zoos in CoralRX. I repeated this process once per week for three weeks. 24 hours after each treatment I did 20% water changes. No ill effects and the problem is solved.
No coralRX, and no suitable wrasse. (they had a checkboard wrasse, but I have a 40g tank so..)
I'll see what the other LFS has, but if I can't get any coralRX before the weekend then I'll try FWE. Take out the effected zoas and dip in a triple dose. And then dose the tank with a 150-200% dose..

Today I took out the colony that was almost all eaten. I think that's their "stronghold", so now with that gone I hope I got a head start on them. I also tried to get as many out as possible from my yellow colony which they had advanced to.
(I keep the eaten colony in a bucket and I can see many many nudies after I swirled it around. I'll keep them as "testers" for the FWE. And also, it will be amusing to see them die..)
No coralRX or a nice wrasse at the other LFS either.. :(
So I picked up some FWE. Tried it out on 10 nudies in a jar and it works wonders! Those little buggers just curl up and die!
Tomorrow I'll dip all zoas, and then again after 4-5 days to kill hatchlings. If that won't do the trick, then I'll have to dose the tank..
My friend scroll down even a few threads you'll find the answers you need to rid these for good.

Fwe works but doesn't always it only fry's some of the eggs doing a double dose to ypur sysyem isn't worth the risk dip outside.

You can have these gone in three weeks it works amazingly well if you stick to the schedule ;)

Okey, yeah you'r right. I'll probably go that route, dipping outside the tank. I just hate to pull of the zoas from the rocks though..

I have to find some more coralRX.. Think I missed to dip one or two new pieces and look, this happens!
Okey, yeah you'r right. I'll probably go that route, dipping outside the tank. I just hate to pull of the zoas from the rocks though..

I have to find some more coralRX.. Think I missed to dip one or two new pieces and look, this happens!

Happens to the best of us, with zoantjids a single dip s not really guarantee anything because of the lifecycle of the nudi is fast you'll need yo dip over the coursr of three weeks that's why qt for zoos is important, your lfs or most dip new wrivals and that's it. Remember tthese are also hitchhikers and can survive in pockets of rocks during the day.

Inspect new arrivals with magnifying glass if at isn't an option.
I have now pulled off all my colonies and dipped them all. The nudies fell off in the dip and died. After that I placed them in the tank on a fragrack for monitoring and easy access.
Yes, I'll dip them every 4-5 days for 3 weeks to make sure they all die.

Thanks to you all for the help :)
I have now pulled off all my colonies and dipped them all. The nudies fell off in the dip and died. After that I placed them in the tank on a fragrack for monitoring and easy access.
Yes, I'll dip them every 4-5 days for 3 weeks to make sure they all die.

Thanks to you all for the help :)

Your welcome , this will work guaranteed I have been dealing with this for over 10 yrs I've tried it all with nudis, because of the life cycle its very unlikely it wouldn't work.

Get those eggs that's the key, dip will kill babies, add a wrasse for insurance, ime fairy wrasses arnt that good:) melanarus is a safe bet. Yellow Doris being my second choice :)