Zoa for newb help please. Setting up my aquascape for mostly Zoas


New member
Starting a biocube 14, and working on how I would like the aquascape. Livestock I just plan on having two clowns and cuc. I would like to eventually have Zoas dominate a large portion of the bottom of the tank with a lot of the sand bed having large colonies, and smaller ones going up the LR. I'm wondering if I could taylor make the aquascape to better please Zoas?

I'll be running a mj900 pump with 240 nano power head for flow. Dosing nano code a&b, with chemipure. Light source is a single Kessil A150W 15k.

Any kessil 150 related tips would also be appreciated as well.
This is going to be a really pretty tank! Different Zoos like different amounts of light, so you'll have to see where they are happiest and where they choose to grow. It's kind of a Murphy's Law with reef tanks that wherever you want a certain specimen to grow, it won't want to grow there. These creatures do not have brains but they sure have minds of their own! :lmao:
I have about 5 or 6 different sized colonies of Zoanthids in my tank. All but one are about 1/2 to 2/3 of the way up my tank, the last one is in my sandbed right now but I plan on moving it up a little higher because I want my sand bed to have different brains and acans eventually. I have read that they like to be placed in the middle to top region in your aquarium with a moderate flow and lighting. I originally had all of my zoa's on the sand in my 15 gallon but when I transferred everything to my new 40 gallon I put all my colonies, minus the aforementioned one, on top of my live rock and archways I built out of rock. They do seem to be much happier and have better coloration where they are currently placed. As far as flow goes, mine are in a tank with around 30x turnaround but I just make sure they don't get direct flow from the powerheads because otherwise they will close up or not fully extend and show themselves. They have definitely become my favorite type of coral so far, I really like the crazy variations in colors you can find.