Zoa got me in the eye! FML


Active member
So I learned that zoa squirting you in the eye is not a fun thing to experience.

So this happened to me on this past Sunday night.

I wasn't even doing anything with them per say other than trying to pick some bubble algae off a rock they were mounted on.

Next thing I know one of those lil F#*Kers squirted me directly in my right eye! It stung a little bit but nothing too crazy. I went directly to my kitchen sink washed out my eye and thought nothing of it. Following day my eye starts getting pretty red and irritated feeling. I use some eye drops but still not getting better. Wake up Tuesday morning with a nice red eye and some nasty crust. Decide I should go to the Urgent Care, they basically do nothing other than give me some prescription eye drops for an eye infection.

So now it is Thursday and eye is finally starting to get better, I'd say 50% better.

Lesson learned wear glasses even if just handling them randomly. I don't want to experience this again.....
a lot of paly poisoning cases coming from zoa juice. I got hit the other day too around the eye. I panicked. not sure if I should just to go the ER.. good thing nothing happened though lol
^ I guess I am glad nothing more serious has happened other than a "pink eye"

kinda nerve racking to sit and wait to see if anything happens to your eye. I kinda like my eyes lol
I've seen way worse. You got off easy!!! Thankfully

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Well my eye is still red feeling better slowly just kinda irritated looking.

What else can happen? I mean these things are really that dangerous? So crazy!