Zoa Lover Introduction . . .

Scopus Tang

New member
Mucho suggested that somebody piggyback off of his newbie introduction thread, so here we go. I know a lot of the regular members who are posting here in the zoa forum I really don't know that much about. All of us play a very important roll in keeping this forum alive by posting questions and concerns, as well as by posting up information. So if you're an active member of the zoa forum here on RC, it would be great if you could take just a minute to introduce yourselves. Tell us about your system and what you have thus far. That gives an opportunity for those we are sharing with to look and see a little about us as well.

Scopus Tang

Hello, my name is:

I've been a reefing for:

My current system is a:

with a:

and the following lighting:



I joined RC for:

and to learn:

as well as to share my:

Looking forward to sharing with and learning from all of you.
I'll start . . .
Hello, my name is: Randy (aka Scopus Tang)

I've been keeping reef tanks since 1992, and prior to that was keeping freshwater and fish only with bleached corals :rolleyes:.

My current systems consist of a 65 gal reef-ready mixed reef with a 20gal high sump; lighting consists of a 6 bulb t5HO by TEK. I also have a 20gal High reef with 4 bulbs of t5HO lighting, and a 20gal Long with 4 bulbs of t5HO.

Additionally, I'm working on putting together a multi tank system that will have a Hawaiian theme and be dominated by various PE type zoas.

I joined RC in 2008 for the opportunity to share about my reef and to learn as much as I could from fellow reefers. I've been around every since sharing and learning.

Looking forward to continuing to share and learn from all of you.
Hello, my name is: Ryan

I've been reefing for: the fun of it and for a little over a month now. Also because it is the first hobby I really enjoyed that was sanctioned by the wife (for those never married, this means she takes interest in it and throws money at it, too). Yeay me!

My current system is a: 46 bow front

with a: size complex (it wants to be bigger). It also has a Octo 1000 skimmer, a penguin filter and loads of live rock.

and the following lighting: One lamp with HO T5s-- one is more blue than the other but honestly, i cannot remember the foot candles-- bright enough to make mushrooms happy and grow algae!

with: no fish...none at all. We have a ric, a mushroom

and: one zoa that is kept company by four turbo snails, four micro hermit crabs that change their shells daily like its underwear and loads of copepods-- I mean tons.

I joined RC for: feeding this addiction and adding another hobby (like I need another hole in my head)

and to learn: how to not just tread water with saltwater keeping but to thrive with it.

as well as to share my: my extensive knowledge of how to be quiet and listen/read (its hard to share this based solely on the nature of being quiet).

Looking forward to sharing with and learning from all of you.[/QUOTE]

I'm also here to meet fellow Coloradans who love this hobby. So if you're from Colorado (and still live here) PM me!
I'm Mucho

I've been reefing for about 20 years now.

I have a 70 gallon reef tank and something special I'm working on.

I joined RC back 2003, to learn, share, help, give back and talk about zoas and palys. Dual 250 watt 14 k HQI's

No site is perfect, but RC is the best and I'm grateful to be here with a fine group of ladies and gents. 99% of all of my post on RC are here in the zoanthid forum. Guess I'm a zoa-nut too.

TAG, you're next, yes you, go ahead, your turn to reply. Stop shaking, don't be afraid, you can do it. ......there you go

Mucho Reef
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Hello, my name is Sharkboy; because I have a very large interest in Elasmobranchs. It has been my online gaming/forum name since 1998... Long before the tales of Sharkboy and Lavagirl... So if anything, they owe me royalties! :lol:

I've been a reefer for 11 years and some change, freshwater for about 15 years.

My current system is a custom acrylic 5ft 125 gallon zoa and paly dominated reef with a 30 gallon sump/fuge. A densly planted 50 gallon freshwater discus/community aquarium. However, I am also currently working on an 8x8x3 freshwater stingray breeding system. On a side note, I also keep poison dart frogs. So I have my hands full to say the least.

The lighting over my reef consists of a 6 bulb HO T-5 retrofit system. 54w each. ATI bulb combination.

I joined RC in hopes to find a new forum for myself that wasn't plagued by the increasing wave of fad corals, and to try to make a difference in spreading the word about how much the hobby has changed for the worse in the last 6 years.

Also to learn everything I can about this hobby in terms of techniques, and good husbandry.

As well as to share my knowledge and experience I have gained over the years.

Looking forward to sharing with and learning from all of you.
Ryan, Mooch, and Sharkboy, nice to learn a little about you, your reefkeeping experience and a little about each of your systems.

Anybody else wanna share?
Wow, 102 views and only 5 replies for an introduction? This threads and those like it are for you. We want to welcome you and get to know you guys and gals. There are no wrong answers here, just say hello :wavehand: and fill in the blanks. I'm not into facebook at all, but would sure like to be your friend here. We don't care if you're a Hatfield or a McCoy, young or old, for or against, a Dem or a Republican, tall or short, thin or heavy, red, white, yellow or black, we don't care if you're rich or....ahh....errr...well....we're all poor if we're reefing.

So how about it? This link's for you, so turn it up and click it now.


...and ya'll come back now....yah hear :wavehand:
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Hello, my name is: Mallorie

I've been a reefing for: 7 mos but previously had freshwater tanks with primarily angels and discus

My current system is a: 55 gallon

with a: 20 gallon fuge, a reef octopus nw110, and high flow, around 65 lbs of live rock

and the following lighting: 4 bulb AquaticLife T5 with built in timer and 6 blue moonlights. Also 2 Uv stunner led strips.

with: zoas, sps, acans, and chalices

and: a pair of oscellaris clowns, a fat lawnmower blenny, a possum wrasse, and a male lubbocks fairy wrasse.

I joined RC for: education and a place to nerd out.

and to learn: stuff

as well as to share my: experiences, pictures, and advice.
Wow, 102 views and only 5 replies for an introduction? This threads and those like it are for you. We want to welcome you and get to know you guys and gals. There are no wrong answers here, just say hello :wavehand: and fill in the blanks. I'm not into facebook at all, but would sure like to be your friend here. We don't care if you're a Hatfield or a McCoy, young or old, for or against, a Dem or a Republican, tall or short, thin or heavy, red, white, yellow or black, we don't care if you're rich or....ahh....errr...well....we're all poor if we're reefing.

So how about it? This link's for you, so turn it up and click it now.


...and ya'll come back now....yah hear :wavehand:

LOL! Mucho love the video...
Hello, my name is: Jesse

I've been a reefing for: 6 years- I picked up the habit from my wife who has been in it for 11 years

My current system is a: 180 gallon zoa tank (j/k, mixed reef) and a Solana (34 gallon)

with a:Octopus skimmer and 35 gallon, sump/fuge (180), solana is unmodified AIO

and the following lighting: 3 150w halides and 4 T5s, and just 4T5s on the cube

I joined RC for: access to info and discussions about "how to" and "what are"

and to learn: how to do a better job at keeping a reef

as well as to share my: experiences with fish and coral as well as sharing coral and pictures
Hello, my name is: Michael

I've been a reefing for: years since 1995 and been keeping fw fish since 1983.

My current system is a: 5.5 pico with one frag er. I mean colony.

with a: very basic set up (MJ1200, AC 30 with heater, small pad and carbon)

and the following lighting: PC 1 x 18 50:50 bulb that will be changed.

with: a large amount of live rock without much water displacement.


I joined RC for: exchange of information about something I enjoy

and to learn: how to be a better reefer since this is a lifelong hobby.

as well as to share my: thoughts and experience with others in order for them to be better reefers too.

Looking forward to sharing with and learning from all of you.
Hello, my name is: Rick or NyreefNoob on all the site's

I've been a reefing for: 6+ years

My current system is a: custom 80G mixed sps-zoa

with a:all the bells and whistles check signature

and the following lighting: ATI 8 bulb powermodule

I joined RC for: information

and to learn: as much as i can

as well as to share my: thoughts and opinions

zooty nice pink margin wrasse, wrasse's are my love of fish
Mike and Rick, thank you both for joining us and sharing some information about your systems. Enjoyed comments and posts from both of you, and look forward to continuing to share in the years to come.
Hello, my name is Luke

I've been a reefing for 6 yrs.

My current system is a: 14 gallon biocube that will soon be transfered to a new 33 gallon long (feel free to follow my new thread about it)

with a not a lot at this point

and without lighting at this time too, but LEDs if all goes well....

which will be filled primarily with zoanthids

and more zoanthids (maybe a couple other favorites)

I joined RC for: to learn of course, see other tanks, and hopefully find some really nice zoanthids for the new setup =) And to share my experiences along the way on reefing and keeping bengal cats (with exception of the later)....although I do get annoyed at the constant server is wicked busy message here, but alas, life moves on :)
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Hello, my name is: Todd

I've been a reefing: Since 2000 off and on.

My current system is a: 7.8 gal cube w/ 10 gal sump

with a: Aquaticlife skimmer, Vortech MP10, a DA Reefkeeper lite, numerous zoanthid species, mushroom anemones, and a few species of SPS.

and the following lighting: AquaMedic 150w Metal halide Pendant and Coralvue ballast.

with:Phoenix 14k bulb

I joined RC for: Gaining vast amounts of knowledge.

and to learn: More about the hobby.

as well as to share my: Experiences

Looking forward to sharing with and learning from all of you.
Hello, my name is: Chris- aka sir patrick

I've been a reefing for: About 12 years

My current system is a: 68 gallon breeder w/ 40 gallon sump

with a: Vortec mp-10 (set at reefcrest) and korillia evolutions 1040 on a wavetimer and 8" diameter DIY in sump skimmer (euro-reef knock off)

and the following lighting: Tek 6 bulb t5ho and (12) 3w blues

with: A kole tang, yellow coris wrasse, sebae clown, neon dottyback, bangai cardinal. Hope to add a few flasher wrasse and some blue sided fairy wrasse soon.

and is sps dominant, but looking for zoas/palys (preferably palys) that will survive/grow in a low nutrient/ pro biotic system.

I joined RC for: The sharing of knowledge and networking of info

and to learn: A little bit of everything!

as well as to share my: Love for polyps! I generally stay within the zoa forum here on RC, when I stop in for a visit, but dig into the wealth of knowledge as needed elsewhere.