Zoa Lover Introduction . . .

I guess I'll go but I just joined today!
Hello, my name is: Mike

I've been a reefing for: 10+ years

My current system is a: 40br

with a: nothing

and the following lighting: ATI Powermodule 4x39watt

with: WM H1 skimmer

and: One onyx perc, one trimma goby, one aurora goby, lot of zoas and maxi minis

I joined RC for: different opinions, lots of forums out there with different structures and focuses and I just want to be a part of all of them!

and to learn: everything

as well as to share my: knowledge
Hello, my name is: Randy

I've been a reefing for:about 6 months. still in high school so funds are kinda tight

My current system is a:30 gallon cube (20x20x20).

with a:custom 15 gallon sump with a urchin c skimmer

and the following lighting:150w viper metal halide with 14k bulb

with:one black and white false perc, regular false perc, yellow corris wrasses, and a randells goby and tiger pistol shrimp pair.

and:4 decent frags of different color zoas, some green mushrooms, a 3 different frags of acans

I joined RC for: the knowledge on how to keep my fish and coral happy and grow but also i love to look at different peoples set ups. i love reading the tank of the month :)

and to learn: why bad things happen to tanks :(

as well as to share my:not so much experience. if you look i only have one other post :(

PS: looking at zoas and acans on the internet made me want a reef and i dream of a zoa and acan tank :)
Hello, my name is: Jarame

I've been a reefing for: 6 months

My current system is a: 75 gallon reef tank
with a: 35 gallon sump/refugium, livestock includes mutliple mushrooms, several kinds of snails, 1 large serpent star, seveal hermit crabs, cleaner shrimp, two peppermint shrimp, green star polyps, two anenomes (Condy and sebae), two zoa colonies, small torch, small green bubble, two blue/green chromis.

and the following lighting: 2 t5HO with 4 65W CFL (Upgrading to 6-8 T5HO with LED strips very soon!)

and: Remora Pro Skimmer

I joined RC for: to connect with other reef tank enthusiasts

and to learn: from other peoples mistakes and knowledge

as well as to share my: own mistakes and knowledge

It's good to read about some of you and I look forward to hearing more about your systems!
Welcome aboard mate. Reckon we have a nice group ah kin folk round these here parts. Much ablige to know yah. So sit down ah spell......take yah shoes off......and ya'll come back now yah hear?

Mucho Reef
Hello, my name is: Matt

I've been reefing for: roughly 3 months. Clearly, I am the resident noob on campus. :D I have however, kept freshwater tanks for 6 years.

My current system is a: 29g, sumpless. :(

with a: CPR BakPak skimmer

and the following lighting:
Aquatic Life 4x 24watt fixture

with: 2 tank raised ocellaris clowns, 1 fire shrimp, candy cane, frogspawn, hammer, zoas, and some leather. :D

I joined RC for: the opportunity to be a part of an online community that helps others gain the knowledge necessary to be successful in this hobby. I am a moderator from a different freshwater website and our main goal is to educate. Knowledge truly is power.

and to learn: anything and everything I possibly can. I am finally feeling comfortable cruising around the different forums here. I have to be honest, coming here with no SW experience was hard. There's a lot of acronyms and slang tossed around that is difficult to remember and not everyone has the patience for green horns like me. But I've been persistent and part of my goal here is to make the transition for others from green horn to novice as seamless and enjoyable as possible. :)

as well as to share my:......wisdom? :lolspin:

I look forward to sharing and growing with the other members here.:wave:
LOL Mucho Reef = Dork... ;)

Isn't it passed your bed time Lil Timmy ?, :fun2:, I owe you one :hammer:

Hey Matt, awesome introduction man. Glad to have you and I like the way you talk. Every forum has its rough edges but I think this forum is the best out there. I'm also glad you're comfortable now in joining us after cruising around for a while. Thanks again bro and if I can do anything to steer you in the right direction, just drop me a line any time.

Hey Matt, awesome introduction man. Glad to have you and I like the way you talk. Every forum has its rough edges but I think this forum is the best out there. I'm also glad you're comfortable now in joining us after cruising around for a while. Thanks again bro and if I can do anything to steer you in the right direction, just drop me a line any time.


Thanks Mooch.

My beginner reef Tank

My beginner reef Tank

Hello I am Sheila
I am embarrassed to say I have been in the hobby for 3 months. So more to accumulate knowledge than to share it.
I have a nano 29g with VHO T5 X4 2b2w @ 30"
Only about 35lbs of LR and 4"LS
HOB Skimmer and Emperor 400 dual biowheel filter
I have learned NOT to listen to most Fish/Reef store employees.
I have learned "Finding Nemo" will be the death of many anemonies and what looks good doesn't always do good...don't impulse buy ANYTHING!

I have been reading anything I can find about everything to do with the hobby, which is limitless!
I have 2 percula clowns-pair
1 small domino damsel
4 turbo snail
6 tiny hermit crabs
1 lawnmower blenny
all is peacefull-for the moment and water params are from the last 3 weeks
So as long as I don't change anything I will be fine.....but I want to start adding coral...haha. just researching now while I am waiting.
It's good to read all of your posts aND THANK YOU for your input. It is valuable beyond belief. Your experience saves us newcommers much frustration...
My husband is in the process of building a 125g fowlr tank. So we both are extremely excited and glad to find RC. Thank you everyone!:celeb2:
Matt This link has really been a great reference to me. I feel stupid asking what is ...FTS or whatever. If you don't already have it take a look.


Thanks Sheila. I did use that link several times.

A FTS stands for Full Tank Shot. Lots of us share pics of our coral frags, fish, and other inverts but don't always share pics of the full tank. Chances are, if you start sharing pics, some one will ask you for a FTS. :)
Hello I am Sheila
I am embarrassed to say I have been in the hobby for 3 months. So more to accumulate knowledge than to share it.
I have a nano 29g with VHO T5 X4 2b2w @ 30"
Only about 35lbs of LR and 4"LS
HOB Skimmer and Emperor 400 dual biowheel filter
I have learned NOT to listen to most Fish/Reef store employees.
I have learned "Finding Nemo" will be the death of many anemonies and what looks good doesn't always do good...don't impulse buy ANYTHING!

I have been reading anything I can find about everything to do with the hobby, which is limitless!
I have 2 percula clowns-pair
1 small domino damsel
4 turbo snail
6 tiny hermit crabs
1 lawnmower blenny
all is peacefull-for the moment and water params are from the last 3 weeks
So as long as I don't change anything I will be fine.....but I want to start adding coral...haha. just researching now while I am waiting.
It's good to read all of your posts aND THANK YOU for your input. It is valuable beyond belief. Your experience saves us newcommers much frustration...
My husband is in the process of building a 125g fowlr tank. So we both are extremely excited and glad to find RC. Thank you everyone!:celeb2:

Hello Shelia and welcome. Thank you for sharing your tank and your experiences thus far in reefing. It was very refreshing to hear so much so soon from one person, again, thanks.

I have great respect for you and anyone whom is as diligent as you are in taking the time to read, listen and research before taking the plunge as you have. You are definitely on the right road to success.

I read the first line of your post and wanted to say something, but chose instead to turn off my PC and go to bed. It churned on the inside, so I got up and thought I'd share this with you. You said, "I am embarrassed to say I have been in the hobby for 3 months", well, you shouldn't be embarrassed at all Shelia. Each and every person here started where you are today. Reefing is not a competition, reefing is about sharing, listening, learning, adventure, dicovery, patience, joy, agony, community and giving. All of which will happen at different times along this journey. So don't feel embarrassed to say that you have only reefed for 3 months. I say you should be proud to be where you are. You're a sponge, and just continue to absorb as much knowledge from these guys/gals and you'll be amazed just how far that knowledge will take you in reefing.

Mucho Reef
Reefing is not a competition, reefing is about sharing, listening, learning, adventure, dicovery, patience, joy, agony, community and giving. All of which will happen at different times along this journey.

Mucho Reef

Quoted for truth.

My name is Dee

Been in the hobby for 10 years or so.

I have a 120 mixed reef (but a special place in my heart for zao's)
Lighting MH pheonix 14k 150 bulbs and PC supplement.

Joined RC in 2003 to learn more. Haven't been to the Zoa forum for a while it got a little weird here. Mucho has been a great influence. Still have your TOTM book marked. I don't contribute much I like staying in the background, I've gotten burnt a few times.........lets leave it at that. I'll try to contribute more in the future though:worried:
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That's what I'm talking about. How's it going Dee? 10 years huh, and I see you're rocking the PC supplementation. That 14k Phoenix is a great bulb.

Thanks for the kind words.

I want you to come to the foreground Dee. We've all been attacked :furious: justly and sometimes unjustly. I use to let it bother me, but not anymore. If I can help one person, then I can certainly deal with the attacks :uzi:. I've got your back :beer: and I really want to see more of you. You have lots to share my friend. I want you to be my new bud. What ah yah say?

Mucho Reef :wavehand:

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