I love zo's but have avoided buying them out of fear....for my self aand my children and pets,.....also, this is a hobby where we expose ourselves to chopping these animals up for fragging.....so it is imperative that this be public knowledge........If anyone is interested in starting a "program" so to speak that prevents the importation of Toxic zo's and/or at least ma program that makes the knowledge available, please let me know I would be happy to work with you.
breedingroom: it's fine that you are against zoas, you have no right to be mad at anyone except yourself though IMO. I have followed this thread from day one, it's sad but true we are dealing with lifeforms that until recently were relegated to only scientists and researchers. As our technology and knowledge increase we will likely see more events in which we mistakenly are injured or killed by encounters with such creatures. Meaningless bantering and fanning the flames of disinformation will only serve to heighten paranoia and fear in this growing hobby.
To this date it is safe to say that no zoanthid or any other coral has willingly jumped out of a tank and attacked anyone. In every event of a poisoning it was a simple human error. Zoanthids contain poison, yes, so do poison dart frogs, sea cucumbers, Tile Fish, box fish , puffer fish, this list goes on an on. If you don't like them that's fine but stop trying to use this as a way to spread an unfounded fear and instead use it as a way to TEACH and educate others how to safely keep such creatures if they so decide to.
My advise to anyone wanting to keep zoas is simple, wash your hands after contact, wear gloves and eye protection when fragging them and dispose of waste water immediately and properly. I tell this to people all the time and to this date have not lost a single customer to a zoanthid.
To those of you who are still afraid, I mean this with all sincerity;
Use some common sense, if you do have children and you think they are at risk by simply having them in a tank that's just not the case, if you have a child that can get in the tank then by all means stay away from zoas, personal safety is our own responsibility. However that said stop trying to ruin this hobby for the rest of us who know the dangers and are willing to take our own risks. We don't need meaningless legislation involved in our hobby and restricting corals that we know how to safely keep and others don't.
You cant get any information because only a handful of individuals are qualified to answer the questions as to which ones are dangerous. It's not like terestrial mushrooms, these things can morph and each colony can have different attributes and mutations. You can't single out just the toxic ones, you call for a ban on just some zoas and you ban all zoas and that will make you pretty unpopular in this hobby.
And as for the LFS being at fault here;
Educate yourself and stop blaming them for everything that goes wrong in your tanks, if you dont want to buy a few good books there is a wealth of free information at your finger tips on corals, needs and cares.
NOTE this is not an attack against any single individual it's all aimed at the notion that we have killer corals in our tanks that we need to be protected from which is rubbish.
BTW it should go without saying but, if you were planning on it don't eat your corals Im pretty sure about any one of them will at least send you to the ER fast.
Thats my 3 cents