Zoas from Fiji?


Active member
Looking at this forum has inspired me to turn my macroalgae-dominated tank into a macro/zoa tank. Since my sand, LR, and macros all come from Fiji, I'd like to get zoas that originally came from Fiji too, just to stick to the theme. I've seen dragon eyes and bam bams listed as Fiji morphs--could anybody name me some others?

Also, Zomania has a Fiji frag pack available on their site--has anybody ever gotten one of these?

Thanks for the help! :)
I found that sometimes people say something because they like to say that.
They talk about the deep water Japanese zoas also...
Hard to find a good source of information regarding where they really come from.

Good luck.
I lived in Fiji in 94-95 and did hundreds of dives. Dove many remote islands and saw tons of incredible zoanthids. Wish I could go back and get some.
Unless you talk to the importers who are bringing them in, I think it would be hard to really pinpoint specific polyps from that specific geography.