The plan for sump construction is a single clear coat with 5% acetone.
This is used to penetrate the wood.
Sand all wood.
Second color coat with 5% acetone.
Sand second time.
Assemble wood with the MAX BOND THIXOTROPIC.
Sand if needed.
Finlay a third color coat with no acetone in the mix.
This is the first coat. You can see in this pic the epoxy has had good penetration. There is almost no epoxy on the top of the wood.
Sand all parts. My coating job is not the best and as you can see it has had some drips that need to be removed.
The flat parts with no corners allows sanding to be easily done when they have not been assembled.
Currently I'm using 50 grit on this rig to sand the wood. That is not a normal shop vac. It's a certified hepa vac used in lead abatement. I also used it during grinding the floor and drywall work. Info and pics of the floor later. It captures any dust it sucks in and makes for very little airborne dust.
Some of the parts did not get the penetration that I would of hoped for. I had failed to mix the epoxy during the application of the first mixed batch. It seamed as though the acetone had separated and left the thicker epoxy on the bottom. During the application of the second batch I gently mixed after each pour and it worked out better.
It's hard to see in the pic, but this part has more epoxy on the top of the wood. It has been sanded.
It amazes me at the amount of epoxy pulled in to the cut ends of the plywood.
after two coats this is just staring to fill in. I will put two more coats on during the first color stage.
This is a pic outside the garage. They sould just fit down the stairs into the basment. 450 gal total. (1.7 kl)