I want to say thank to those who have helped answer questions previously brought up in the tread as well as the words of thanks and encouragement.
It does take quite a bit of time for me to post as typing and the written word are not my strongest skills. I do hope that by doing this I can give back and help others though.
Progress in the side room has stopped over the holidays. I have done some shopping and started on the HVAC system.
First off one my recent purchases.
Now for some of my thoughts on the HVAC system and how to cut costs and hopefully not destroy the house with moisture.
Just skip this if you don't care about the background info. More pic to fallow.
I have had some overall Reef system design goals when planning this system.
First was to create a reef system that will have low initial construction cost relative to the cost/gal of water. My goal is to keep it under $15/gal. I was trying for > $11/gal, but the change to a RO system and water storage is blowing that budget. This would be like setting up a full 180 gal (681 l) reef system for > $2700
The seconded major goal is to have one of the lowest overall operating costs for house and the system.
Heating /Cooling and moisture or humidity control is one of the largest initial and long term operating costs associated with running a large reef system in your home.
What about the local climate conditions and how they relate to the system?
Every area of the world will have their own local condition that will effect over all system construction and operating costs.
The area of Wyoming that I live in is one of extreme weather changes throughout the year. I have seen the temp vary from -25 to 110f (-32c to 43c) from winter to summer. Humidity changes from about 12% - 100% and the wind can be from nonexistent to 50 "“ 70 mph (80 "“ 112 MPH) sustained for hours at a time.
What are some of the system and controls that are available for use?
There are fans, dedicated AC units, dehumidifiers, Heat Recovery Ventilator (HRV), chillers, electric heaters, boilers, and the lights on their systems.
What am I starting with?
My current tank has about 750W of light and 150 gal (567 l) of water it uses about 1K watt + of power. It will evaporate 2-3 gal (7.6 "“ 11.4 l) a day. In the summer with the AC running the house can use 2.4MW of power for the month. The new system will have about 2 - 3 x the power usage of my current one and could evaporate up to 30 gal (114 l) a day.
The house has a forced air system with natural gas for heat and an electric AC unit, but there are no cold air returns in the basement.
This will be my base line for evaluation of future operation and construction cost.
My thought is to use the current system along with the addition of a pair of fans. I will also add a filtered air intake and exhaust line with some additional duct work and include some automatic dampers controlled by the custom programmed PLC. I may add a dehumidifier for use in the winter if need to keep humidity down in the winter time. Total cost will be in the range of $1,000 - $1,500 and should be pay backed in the energy savings over the life of the system.
I will give greater detail on the design and programming in the future.