$1 per gallon tank sale!

It's a standard 90 & no, it's not reef ready...................otherwise I would have taken the a$$chewing & bought it..........
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7993786#post7993786 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by dpstrand
I'm mad, they wouldn't sell me the 33 cube in huntington beach on brookhurst and edinger. She kept saying it was part of a combo (tank + stand) and that she could not split them up (even if I was paying full price). This so called manager wouldn't budge. I argued with her for several minutes, and finally left empty handed.

I'll probably try again tomorrow.

I was there after wook yestuday and ask if they had a cube and was told they didn’t have any in stock. I guess they took if off the floor until the sales end.
Funny that some people were able to buy hexes. I thought the ad specifically stated that they were not included.

At any rate, scored me a 40 (why does that sound like something different? Why am I thinking of Malt Liquor?). They had a 55 but IMO that's a useless shape if you want to have any landscaping at all.

Had to buy a top separately which kinda sucked, but still, a killer deal! Wish I'd have known about this a bit beforehand, though, as I'd have loved to have more selection.

No biggie... It's all good. Now it looks like I'll have to pick Nicole's brain so I can raise me some clown babies... :)
I think oceanic and all glass tank are the same company or branch. Because they have oceanic link on the site, I have two cubes and they both came with all glass light bulbs..

If they refuse to sell it to you, ask them to check with other store because all glass and oceanic tanks are on sale.
if it says combo tell her to scan it! I bought a 40 oceanic hex and the lady was freaking out when it scanned 40 from 250. Tank, lid, a lights.

edit: also ad says no specials and ez orders or bowfronts. Hex tanks don't count as specials. speicals are custom orders.
well it DOES work with the oceanic cubes. just have them scan it and use your petco pals card and it will come up to $33. I was actually laughed at the other day when i asked the sales man about the cube being on sale. he said he would have bought it the first day it was on sale. tonight i got my revenge. i had him help me carry it out to my truck. just using petco for their sales!!!
i got the one that was chipped in glendora of the 57&210 freeway. i asked the manager about it and she said no its only all glass aqauriums i asked her if she would be kind enought to scan it with my petco pals card and she was surprised. she said hmm you scored huh? i was like yup! i hope the chip wont affect the tank in any way.

big thank you to xman xavier for the link!!!!!!!!
here is my 33 cube, I whipped up a stand for it yesterday. im going to put a 175w halide on it tomarrow. I think im going to change to a 150w pendant tho. Also I plan to connect it to my other tank beside it....its chilled.
I saw the broken one in glendora, ask the manager for 50% discount...but he didn\'t bite so I walk out. The damage will not effect the tank or leak. All you need is a little silicone there and you are set.
good call guys! the salespeople will deny you on the cubes and hexagons. don't argue with them, but just have them scan it w/ your petco card and it will be the $1 a gallon price. and it's true the combos can be separated because they have different sku tags. take advantage!!!
i went to the glendale store and it was rang up as 33 bucks for the cube tank but hot damnit they wont sell it saying its a mistake...!aagggggghhhh
The only reason they say it is a mistake, is so they can buy it later. Tell them you are going to call the district manager. I have seen this happen twice this week. HTH.
