10' Pond Build

LMAO about the koralia magnets. I just recently got a 7 from a friend and I had to pry the thing apart with a putty knife. So frustrating. They put out some serious flow for a good price tho.
Nice setup, keep the pics comin.

Funny! I had to do the same with one of mine that had been sitting around unused for a year or so.
That humu looks like a freaking balloon! Such a neat build...

Thanks! I am really surprised at how quickly the Humu has been growing (both in length and width). I got him about 6 months ago at under an inch in length. I'd say he's easily doubled in size already. I've read in numerous places how they are slow growers, but I don't think mine got that memo.
Wow !! Love the idea !!! And really I like how did you buld it. I think it will be better if you plan to hide the filter by putting plants or cover it with wood or convert it to a waterfall same as koi pond ,, it is just an idea:)

Definitely planning on doing something to cover the pump housing (inside the pond) at the very least. I originally wanted to do some sort of waterfall, but figured the salt creep would get out of hand. Still working on a frame for the pond, and might incorporate something from that into the filter.
Just wanted to do a quick update. I've been pretty busy with work this past month and haven't had the opportunity to make any major improvements, but wanted to share what I did manage to work on.


Got the fuge plumbed in. I wanted to keep energy costs down by not adding any more pumps, so I decided to plumb a 1 1/2" to 1" reducing tee from the line that feeds the filter/sump along with a ball valve (to control the flow) into the refugium (50 gallon rubbermaid on the right). Water flows from the fuge through 2X 1 1/4" bulkheads back to the sump.



Made a couple mangrove containers from aragonite sand and white Portland cement. After they hardened, I soaked them in FW for a good month (with lots of water changes) until the effect to the pH of the water was minimal. I then added a few polymer clay corals, filled them with about 4" of sand, and done! The flat bottoms also allow me to stack more rock without having to worry about creating pressure points in the liner. Please excuse the cloudy water in the first 2 pics. I took these after rearranging some of the rock.


An almost FTS or "FPS".
I placed an order with LA/DD earlier in the week for an assasi and niger trigger. Due to the weather they had to hold off on shipping the niger from Wisconsin (and I really appreciate them doing so) but the assasi (From LA) arrived this morning.


still in the bag


drip acclimating to QT


This guy should be here tomorrow (weather permitting).
Looks great! The rock and coral structures look fantastic!
Gave me a few ideas... lol...
The plumbing looks great too!
Looks great! The rock and coral structures look fantastic!
Gave me a few ideas... lol...
The plumbing looks great too!

Thank you! I really appreciate the compliments!

...And considering that I got most of my ideas from you, I'm happy to return the favor! haha!
I notice that the fish are staying very close to the rocks and not too much in the open areas. Do you plan for more rock areas?
Thanks for the update, love the Triggers...

Thank you! My O. niger was delivered this morning, and I have to say that it looks even better in person! Have been keeping an eye out for an assasi for some time as well. The blues on it's head are just incredible! Will post some pics soon.
I notice that the fish are staying very close to the rocks and not too much in the open areas. Do you plan for more rock areas?

Yeah, they stay close to the rocks most of the time (the exception being when I feed them). I have a few more homemade flat base rocks curing in FW so that I can be more comfortable stacking higher structures without risking puncture to the liner. I plan on adding a few more "coral heads" and bulking up the higher flow area within the next few months.
Could use some opinions here.

I thought I'd add a PVC sheet to line the inside of the pond. Before I make brackets, attach a second sheet to get it to the height of the pond, and get it fixed into place, I wanted to see if you think the positives outweigh the negatives of this addition.

First, the positives:

Protection of the main liner (eliminates potential for bite damage from fish such as triggers and parrotfish).

Increases efficiency of the gyre (no folds or creases in the liner to slow water flow)

Aesthetics (looks a lot cleaner/brighter than just the black liner)

Negatives, well... one negative that I can think of off hand, but it's a big one IMO.

Water trapped between the PVC sheet and black liner. This could cause stagnation issues both short and long term. There won't be a lot of trapped water, but there is no way to avoid it with the creases in the liner.

Here is a pic so you can get an idea of what I'm trying to do. Please excuse the recent diatom bloom and cloudy water. I had just moved the rocks around to hold the PVC sheet in place (temporary - Rock will be removed once I make brackets if I decide to keep it), and stirred the sand bed quite a bit while doing so. Also, a second sheet would be glued to the back of the first, bringing it to the level of the pond.


I am leaning toward pulling it and coming up with another idea but wanted to get your thoughts before I go either way.

this is an awesome pool, man I wish I could talk the wifey into this. As for the inner liner, could you make a few holes placed that the current would move the water trapped between?
this is an awesome pool, man I wish I could talk the wifey into this. As for the inner liner, could you make a few holes placed that the current would move the water trapped between?

Thank you! Yeah, punching a few holes might be the way to go. I appreciate the suggestion!
Not sure if it's already been suggested, but you could totally get a horseshoe crab for that.

A horseshoe crab would be a cool addition, but I'm not sure my sand bed would be deep enough (just under 1" in most places). I also have a couple triggers (the assasi in particular) which might not make the best tank mates.
You could always place the liner a couple inches in and have a couple of powerheads behind to circulate the water behind the PVC and have multiple holes in the sheet as well.