Well guys, its been a rough couple of weeks. We moved in and furniture has been coming in slowly. Some from storage, some we bought new but for the most part, all the big pieces are here except a few loose ends. Still a ton of stuff that needs to be added in the coming months/years/ but we are finally home after 2.5 years of planning and building.
Please don't ask about budget, we blew past it months ago on this home. My wife keeps asking what the tank cost and its a great opportunity for me to talk about something else.
All in all, its the home of our dreams and our home for many many years for my wife and I and our young family. Thank you for allowing me to share and give you guys this photo update- Lets start with the home, then we will move on to the fun stuff in the fish tank.
There is a view from my bar overlooking the tank into the family room into the kitchen.
And a view from inside the bar to the art wall. The theme of the home is red if you couldn't tell.
Here is my office.

its actually our theater but I use it as my office. Infact I gave my wife my existing office to do with what she pleases. I love sitting in the theater and watching TV and getting work done. The walls will be covered in black wall paper. The carpet is black. The woodwork is black. The seats are red.
A view from the kitchen into the bar and tank beyond the family room
A view to the opposite end- from the tank into the kitchen.