1000 Gallon Build- Here we go- Lots of Pictures

Nice tank and build thread. I went thru exactly what you are doing about a year ago, big tank, initial large angels with a few corals, algae problems etc now almost 1 year old it's a full blown reef. Hang in there with the algae and corals , there will be more fun challenges as it matures. Great start and awesome job!
Really awesome build!

Thanks- I put a couple of videos of the Reef Genesis earlier in this build- a few pages back. I know you had some questions on your own build regarding the water change.

Let me know if I can answer any questions on it.

One bit of advice- don't get the pro model - too many float switches. I think a bit unnecessary.
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Just ran into this thread, as I am new to this forum. Great build. Beautiful home. Makes my new 48 gal build look like a teacup.

If you're a single malt drinker, I recommend Glenfarclas for your bar. You'll never drink Black Label again.
Read whole thread this eve. Thanks for sharing and for all the expert analysis of many issues faced by new hobbyists.

Appreciate you following along. I too would not have the success I have had with the tank (knock on wood) without all the great feedback from everyone.

Nice tank and build thread. I went thru exactly what you are doing about a year ago, big tank, initial large angels with a few corals, algae problems etc now almost 1 year old it's a full blown reef. Hang in there with the algae and corals , there will be more fun challenges as it matures. Great start and awesome job!

Thanks. I have two angels in the tank now. A Emperor and a Blueface. Im a bit nervous about the blue face nipping. The Emperor has been an angel (pun intended) but its only a few days with the blue. Ive got 6 anthias and two naso tangs- after that Im pretty much done stocking for the time being. Lets see how the angels behave long term but so far I'm loving how everything is looking.

YES. We demand perfection in our FREE entertainment!!
:) :) :) :)

yes sir. I shall do better. :)

Just ran into this thread, as I am new to this forum. Great build. Beautiful home. Makes my new 48 gal build look like a teacup.

If you're a single malt drinker, I recommend Glenfarclas for your bar. You'll never drink Black Label again.

Glenfarcas is great also. Black label is just a staple. I had some 18 year Macullum the other night. Pure perfection!
Thanks. I have two angels in the tank now. A Emperor and a Blueface. Im a bit nervous about the blue face nipping. The Emperor has been an angel (pun intended) but its only a few days with the blue. Ive got 6 anthias and two naso tangs- after that Im pretty much done stocking for the time being. Lets see how the angels behave long term but so far I'm loving how !

Can you list your entire stock list? What kind of corals do you plan on putting?

I had 8 large angels (emperator, French, Queen, Blueface , majestic, chrysurus, maculoscous and asfur) , could keep most leathers and some Lps like frogspawn, hammers no problem. A big no to blue mushrooms, any kind of brain corals and zoas.

The chrysurus and majestic were model citizens , the French was the most picky.
Tank size 96 wideX48 deepX42 tall- roughly 800 gallons

1 Emperor angel
1 Blueface angel
2 Naso tangs (1 naso coming next week)
2 Hippo tangs
1 convict tang
5 pajama cardinals
9 blue chromis
8 percula clowns
6 anthias (coming next week)
15 turbo snails
4 emerald crabs
2 fire shrimp (2 more coming next week)
2 cleaner shrimp
one hammer coral - medium colony
1 large frogspawn
1 small frogspawn
1 large duncan coral
1 small duncan coral
3 colonies of green star polyps
one toad stool

thats it.

good to hear about your blue face angel. I have also wanted a french angel but afraid of nipping as I hear they are most prone to nipping
Wow nice stocking list!

I would suggest some easy to keep sps like a red monti cap, green slimer , they will add nice color and most angels do not pick on them.

A rose bubble tip would be nice also.

No more tangs? I think fowleri would be perfect in your tank, by far by favorite tang :D
ok-good to know about red monti and green slimer. You are right- those would add great color. And if they are easy to keep, Im all in.
I have been following this amazing thread. I have a personal observation if I may, three times I have added 5 blue/green Chromis to my tank & always wound up with 1. they have a way of killing off the weaker ones one at a time. Seeing you are adding 9 of them they may not do that, but I wanted to give you a heads up, just in case
Yeah I added 10 to my 240 last year, they killed each other off until there was none. I assume they "winner" was so beat up he could hardly survive on his own.
