These buggers don't kill themselves- they are so stupid that they keep going down the damn overflow. Hopefully no more.
This will continue until you install a 'proper' barrier on the overflows
These buggers don't kill themselves- they are so stupid that they keep going down the damn overflow. Hopefully no more.
Some plastic mesh over the overflows, such as Gutter Guard for eaves troughs, will end the sumpward exodus.
So I'm in my fish room cleaning out my filter socks and guess what I found- a blue chromis. That makes 5 times I've found one of the smaller ones in the filter. These buggers don't kill themselves- they are so stupid that they keep going down the damn overflow. Hopefully no more. Enjoying the evening watching tv from the couch and loving my tank.![]()
Can someone suggest a good quality carbon and GFO? I ordered from Bulk Reef Supply last time- just want to make sure there isn't anything cheaper/better. With 800 gallons to address in the DT, trying to be somewhat economical here.