12 gallon cube for sale 14x14x14, $15


Reef Reef Reef Reef Reef
Premium Member
Extra clear glass, rimless, believe it is an aquatop, back painted black (but easily scraped off if you want)... was a great tank but changed to 25 gal cube.
Also have some aragonite sand I'll throw in if you want. I have chaetomorpha algae and red dragon for $5 a bunch if you need it.

$15 for the tank and sand.

Do you still have these?

Do you still have these?

I am interested in getting the tank sand as well as the red dragon algae. Do you still have these?
Still have them... I'm home tonight. If you're interested, PM me your phone number, as I'm rarely home... split my time between staying in fort lauderdale and boca. Let me know as soon as possible.