1200 Gallon One Of A Kind Reef Project

"filling between the rocks" has a technical masonary term called pointing. It may come from using the point on a trowel. Maybe I've been watching too much discover channel.
Kent, long time no see . I did not know that about pointing but I just learned something new.. thanks Kent..
That tank is starting to look better and better, wish I lived closer so I could come and see it when its all together.
Thanks and the store is opening on Tuesday and the project stopped at where you see the pictures. The cabintry guy had to place an order for wook and is not coming in untill Tuesday (same day store opens).
What color finish on the wood is next step and suggestions are welcome.
Well since you asked... I think Minwax special Walnut would compliment the rock work well. Whatever you decide on, try it on one of the inside panels that's not normally visable to see how it looks on the wood you chose. What you see on the can is not always how the final product will look. Especially if you use a different wood than what's on the sample.
If your using Oak I like the Minwax Honey Maple Gel Stain. I also use the Minwax Hellmans weather/water proof glossy poly.

Here is a pic of the combination

It will be filled this week. Contractor finishing the job this week too with cabintry. The store will be open for business today in an hour and most of the aquariums and big tank are not ready.
I have a lots of exp. on woodwork.My suggestion would be to use ZAR stain Its very dense and easy to work with.Very good coverage