130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

Ted, a quick question, if I may. I'm curious as to why you always refer to all of your fish, with the exception of the obviously male crosshatches, as females. I certainly mean no insult; I'm trying to get started and am curious as to whether there is a scientific reason for it or just a personal preference. I feel as though it's probably the former, given your expertise.

Ted, a quick question, if I may. I'm curious as to why you always refer to all of your fish, with the exception of the obviously male crosshatches, as females. I certainly mean no insult; I'm trying to get started and am curious as to whether there is a scientific reason for it or just a personal preference. I feel as though it's probably the former, given your expertise.


Angels, like some other fish, can change sex, juvis are females. I hope to have one of my female Gp transition to male.
Hello Ted.

How much inch they are in this moment?

A expert in our country told me that angels need aggressions to change to male. The hormone that release by aggression controlled the grow of the male sexual organs.

What do you think? What's your experience?

Greetings Torben
Hello Ted.

How much inch they are in this moment?

A expert in our country told me that angels need aggressions to change to male. The hormone that release by aggression controlled the grow of the male sexual organs.

What do you think? What's your experience?

Greetings Torben

I am not sure the biological mechanism that stimulates the change is fully understood...there are def social factors that led to it..not sure they need aggression to accomplish it...if the male in a harem or group dies one of the females will change to male in order to sustain the longevity of the group...
So I hear there's some baby tank bred bandits running around, care to show us yours?!

Soon....and a special new food coming...specifically an angel blend but one that will be killer for all...

I moved some things around and will post some updates hopefully soon...

All are well...