130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

The flames are full of energy and are non-stop action. It's funny to watch the bandits get accidently caught-up in the madness.
The flames are avail., and next year will likely see a price drop.
If you like flames, these are the way to go.

Hope all are well,


I must have missed this... but are these captive bred flames?
still dirty but the sun was in the perfect position for me to take some lousy pictures..

Nori's picture, some of Lemon and Todd's posters in the back...Blondie and the Gps..
The gp are a month shy of 3 years old..



lol, figures the only decent pic in the batch is him..


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lol, this was the joc pic I took earlier and meant to add to the above. amazing how similar it is to the one from last week.

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Hey, just wandering. Do you still have the garibaldi from the first few pages?
How did it get along with other fish?
Is that R. rectangulus? If so, I've never seen one like it before. I assume it's coming to your tank soon?? :bounce1:
That would have been my second guess... I've never even seen a Rhinecanthus hybrid. Super cool! A nice and fat one too.