Beautiful fish!!! I lost my bandit angel.. Just lost his appetite, he was king of my tank.. Any tips or suggestions if I try again?
Beautiful fish!!! I lost my bandit angel.. Just lost his appetite, he was king of my tank.. Any tips or suggestions if I try again?
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No marks on him, no stress, he was a big guy.... Was a pig.. Water parameters are good, just started to see him getting more picky and basically wither away.. I feed my guys everything.. All different frozens, seaweed, Pellets and he ate all that and just decline.. I do water weekly water changes and have over 500 gallons of water volume.. Stuff happens just weird... I have other angels and no problems with them.. But goldflakes I have same problem with, will be healthy and like 6 month mark just go down hill.. Maybe it's just me on this.. Thanks for input.. Love your tank... I'm a puffer and trigger guy!!going basic has worked for me, so spir brine, shaved if the fish is small, has always worked for bandits. Shaved pe mysis, pellets.. did anything go wrong with the fish?
No marks on him, no stress, he was a big guy.... Was a pig.. Water parameters are good, just started to see him getting more picky and basically wither away.. I feed my guys everything.. All different frozens, seaweed, Pellets and he ate all that and just decline.. I do water weekly water changes and have over 500 gallons of water volume.. Stuff happens just weird... I have other angels and no problems with them.. But goldflakes I have same problem with, will be healthy and like 6 month mark just go down hill.. Maybe it's just me on this.. Thanks for input.. Love your tank... I'm a puffer and trigger guy!!
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The conspics seem to be growing very quickly Ted. Is that my imagination, wishful thinking or truth :lol:
The flames look great and add an incredible boost of color in your dt.
getting some baby clarions in dec for some color...
Great pictures per usual. The GPs are such stunning fish, even with all the other one of a kinds you have they still steal the show.
getting some baby clarions in dec for some color...
Thanks D, they are stunning fish, and may have bigger plans ahead..
Wow, that would be awesome. Your collection is simply amazing!
I love the suspense
I love that hybrid trigger. Where do you get all these gems. Please share! :0)