130 X 36 x 36 inbound...any suggestions?

female crosshatch...and my fuscus...this is the same fuscus from earlier pictures in thread..she is amazing looking....

my sweet fuscus...raised from a inch...also have a 1 inch queen trig and 1 inch bursa in the tank...tough to get a good pic of them...
for size comparison...here is the mouth on my 4.5 inch golden heart trig...and the queen,,you can see how tiny she is...
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no more tangs...gonna put my 2nd queen in there...and see what happens...garibaldi, sa queen, maybe even my titan-who is wonderfully mellow going in tonight...assassi and huma to follow in a few weeks
Holy smokes you weren't joking about that fuscus. Not only is that one of the nicest triggers I've seen, its one of the nicest fish I've seen period. Tank looks fantastic man.
Nice pictures. The Fuscus is looking good and it's cool to see the early coloration. The shoal and crosshatch are beautiful.
Holy smokes you weren't joking about that fuscus. Not only is that one of the nicest triggers I've seen, its one of the nicest fish I've seen period. Tank looks fantastic man.
thanks! she is sweet, you can see her baby picture on post #89 in this thread..pretty sure that is one of the first pics I took of her...love raising baby trigs...
moved some fish over last night...
my sa queen...

garibaldi...getting big, close to 4 inches...she is quick...

titan, he made the cut due to his cool and mellow personality...raised him from 1 inch and for the last 3 years has been a great fish...

this fuscus continues to amaze me...she is so beautiful...and cool, lets me take pic after pic...

a cool pic of the tiny queen eating mysis...
my white tail trig was never considered...he is in the fuge...my 3.5 inch queen trig was passed iver due to the tiny 1 inch guy filling the slot...clown trig not considered will stay in 250...want my cortez, caribbean queen angel, assassi and huma in..that would be it...
great looking fish .I guess that the guy in hawaii got you the cross hatch? Looks like your tank is going to be amazing good luck with all the trigs